What Happens When All We Have Left Is The Pentagon? by William D. Hartung

If President Trump is reining in the US’s foreign military committments, shouldn’t defense budgets be getting smaller, not larger? That, unfortunately, is not the direction they’re headed. From William D. Hartung at tomdispatch.com

Trump’s Vision of a Militarized America

At over $600 billion a year and counting, the Pentagon already receives significantly more than its fair share of federal funds. If President Donald Trump has his way, though, that will prove a sum for pikers and misers. He and his team are now promising that spending on defense and homeland security will increase dramatically in the years to come, even as domestic programs are slashed and entire civilian agencies shuttered.

The new administration is reportedly considering a plan — modeled on proposals from the military-industrial-complex-backed Heritage Foundation — that would cut a staggering $10.5 trillion in federal spending over the next decade. The Departments of Energy, Commerce, Transportation, and State might see their budgets slashed to the bone; the Corporation for Public Broadcasting would be privatized; and (though the money involved would amount to chicken feed) the National Endowments for the Arts and for the Humanities would be eliminated altogether. In the meantime, the ranks of the Army and Marines would be expanded, a huge naval buildup would be launched, and a new Star Wars-style missile defense system would be developed — all at a combined cost of up to $1 trillion beyond the already munificent current Pentagon plans for that same decade.

The specifics won’t be known until Trump’s first budget becomes public in perhaps April or May, but as we wait for it, Republican Senate Armed Services Committee Chairman John McCain has just taken the unusual step of releasing his own spending blueprint for the military. It suggests that a key senator and the president and his team are on the same page when it comes to military funding. At an extra $430 billion over the next five years, the numbers in McCain’s plan are similar to the potential Trump buildup.

To continue reading: What Happens When All We Have Left Is The Pentagon?


2 responses to “What Happens When All We Have Left Is The Pentagon? by William D. Hartung

  1. “In the years to come, expect the Cheney model of intelligence manufacturing to be replicated, especially by Flynn”

    The above about “the Cheney model” reminded me of the below Karl Rove quote about “Empire”(from GoodQuotes):

    “We’re an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you’re studying that reality — judiciously, as you will — we’ll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that’s how things will sort out. We’re history’s actors . . . and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do.”

    This could serve as the melody for Flynn’s performance.


  2. History is a graveyard of people who thought they controlled reality when they didn’t.


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