Getting The Band Back Together, by Good Citizen

Time for an encore performance of Covid panic – the masks, the social distancing, the lockdowns, and the killer vaccines. From Good Citizen at

Remixing old tunes for the same audience, and a final learning curve test for normies before The Great Resent kicks into high gear.

Just how steep is the normie learning curve?

We’re about to find out, again.

Word on the street is that Great Resent Records is getting the band back together.

The Reese Report

The Lockdowns Are Coming Back

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a day ago · 265 likes · 355 comments · Greg Reese

A few new players have joined the band and replaced some virtuosos who did their job during the first world tour and slithered off into retirement, pocketing millions off the deaths of innocents.

The new band’s first singles (signals) are already hitting the airwaves.

Disc one is shaping up to be a real chart-topper.

They’re already broadcasting song three.

Once Hillary pisses buckets on a few million of her former voters, and the media show all the drowned bodies while screaming hysterically about climate change, they’ll move on to tracks four and five in quick succession.

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One response to “Getting The Band Back Together, by Good Citizen

  1. Fundamental Transformation

    Only possible thanks to the stupidest populace in human history who clap like trained seals for Fundamental Transformation with delusions of the state paying off mortgages and filling up gas tanks.
    The picture of a spikey ball and a face mask that can’t stop sawdust is all it takes, a vapor/mist is out there!
    Be afwaid, bee vewwy afwaid. (gasp)
    Virtue Signal uber alles world isn’t supposed to end well and it won’t.

    “The obedient always think of themselves as virtuous, rather than cowardly.”

    Robert Anton Wilson


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