Global Takeover Advances to Final Stages, by Dr. Joseph Mercola

“Public health” is serving as the focal point for a global power grab and the installation of totalitarianism. From Dr. Joseph Mercola at theburningplatform:

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Story at-a-glance

  • The World Health Organization’s pandemic treaty, the amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHRs) and the global One Health agenda are all part of a soft coup, a global power grab
  • The globalists’ plan for our future can be summarized as “global dominion by the few and total control of the masses”
  • The technocratic cabal has control over most if not all Western governments, as well as the bureaucratic structure of the WHO; 85% of its funding comes from private entities, so it’s owned by private interests
  • Based on the current treaty draft and proposed IHR amendments, it’s clear that mRNA-based vaccinations will be mandatory under the WHO’s power structure, and these vaccines will be made in 100 days by skipping human trials and shaving safety and efficacy testing down to the bare bones
  • Under the treaty, as currently written, nations will be required to surveil and censor social media. The WHO’s narrative will be the only one allowed

In this September 1, 2023, Highwire interview,1 Dr. Meryl Nass, a biowarfare and epidemics expert, exposes the threat posed by the World Health Organization’s pandemic treaty and the amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHRs), which add to and further strengthen the WHO’s powers under the treaty. The WHO’s One Health agenda is also part of this power grab.

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