Mass Migration, Ethnic Cleansing, and The Great Reset, by Dr. Joseph Sansone

U.S. government policy has been to reduce the European-descended population in this country to a minority. From Dr. Joseph Sansone at

When it comes to biological systems, totally open or totally closed systems die. This is true of a single cell. A cell in the human body has a semi permeable membrane. It has a boundary that allows materials in and out, however, it would not survive if it were totally open nor if it were totally closed. This is true of nations as well. A nation that is totally closed becomes repressive and withers away under that oppressive system. This would likely be politically, culturally, and intellectually. If a nation has no boundaries, it will also eventually die. Its culture and people will fade away.

The American Indians may be the perfect example of this phenomenon. The North American continent was peopled with various different Indian nations. The Iroquois, the Sioux, Cherokee, and other Indian nations or tribes no longer exist because they had a mass migration problem stemming from Europe. Tribes were victims of a technologically more advanced culture combined with massive numbers of migrants that could not be countered. The result was genocide in various forms and the surviving Indians either being pushed into reservations or genetically intermingled with European peoples. The net result was ethnic cleansing, and this ethnic cleansing would have occurred even without the violence, merely from a diluting of the existing population and culture.

This process is occurring in Ireland. In this recent interview with Steve Bannon on Tucker Carlson the issue of massive immigration impacting Ireland was discussed in detail. Bannon explains to Carlson that Ireland is being targeted with 125,000 immigrants in the past year which would be the equivalent of the 9 million illegal aliens that have entered the United States since fake president Biden took office coming to the United States in one year. Bannon points out that the Irish political class have totally sold out. Tucker Carlson pointed out that it appears to be a form of racial hatred or punishment toward the Irish by the British. In a hundred years the Irish population with be displaced and become a minority in Ireland if the trend continues.

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