Healthcare is disappearing all around the world, by Mark Crispin Miller

There’s a burgeoning shortage of medical personnel and facilities all over the world. It couldn’t be because of the vaccines, now could it? From Mark Crispin Miller at

Staff shortages are killing patients coast to coast (Honolulu, Fresno, East San Jose, NM, VT), & in Canada, UK, Germany, Italy, Bulgaria, Dubai, China, S. Korea. Singapore, Thailand & all over Africa

Research by Jen Young for News from Underground

Strain on Healthcare: Unpacking the Crisis in Emergency Rooms  

February 13, 2024

Hospitals across the globe are reporting their worst emergency figures in over two years, marking a significant strain on the healthcare system. The surge in emergency cases has put tremendous pressure on hospital capacity and resources, raising concerns about the ability to provide timely and effective care to patients. This increase in emergency cases can be attributed to a variety of factors, notably, the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, seasonal illnesses, and other health-related issues. The situation necessitates urgent attention and proactive measures to address the growing demand for emergency healthcare services.

250,000 visits to Medicare Urgent Care Clinics take pressure off hospitals 

April 4, 2024

The Australian Government’s network of 58 Medicare Urgent Care Clinics have made it easier for hundreds of thousands of Australians to get urgent care from a doctor or nurse, without waiting for hours in busy hospital emergency departments. 

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One response to “Healthcare is disappearing all around the world, by Mark Crispin Miller

  1. Neo is the One

    So glad I got my health scare out of the way as healthcare is now kaputski.

    It really was a turning point like the song in the underrated 1981 James Caan movie Thief.

    The serpents of Big Pharmakeia slither in the halls but there are some hidden gems of God’s Fifth Column.

    Always giving thanks.


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