The “Antisemitism Awareness Act” Is An Audacious Attack Against The First Amendment, by Andrew Korybko

“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize,” is a quote often wrongly attributed to Voltaire, but it’s a good aphorism nevertheless. The bill would criminalize criticism of Israel and Jews. From Andrew Korybko at

Deifying Israel and all Jews by potentially criminalizing any criticism of them, no matter how legitimate such as the first’s policies towards the Palestinians and wondering whether the second’s disproportionate membership in the Biden Administration influences its policies, is anti-American.

The House’s passage of the “Antisemitism Awareness Act” is an astoundingly anti-democratic development. The bill mandates that the federal government uses the “International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance’s” definition of anti-Semitism, which The Daily Wire’s Matt Walsh correctly noted could potentially criminalize criticism of Israel. His boss Ben Shapiro is one of America’s top Zionists so he’s literally risking his livelihood by condemning this audacious attack against the First Amendment.

There’s nothing “anti-Semitic” about describing Israel’s treatment of the Palestinians as racist nor in drawing attention to how that state’s formation led to the ethnic cleansing of many Muslim Arabs. Likewise, accusing it of exploiting the Holocaust for socio-political gain isn’t anti-Semitic either. The same goes for pointing out the disproportionate number of Jews in the Biden Administration and wondering whether this influences his team’s policy towards the region.

Jews aren’t the only targets of bigotry in the world, and their genocide during World War II doesn’t place them atop an imaginary hierarchy of victimhood with all the special privileges that entails in society. The State of Israel that was founded in their name as a sanctuary for them isn’t above legitimate criticism. Deifying it and its people is a personal choice that should never become a legal obligation in America. The very fact that it very well might, however, inadvertently fuels anti-Semitism.

After all, potentially criminalizing criticism of Israel and denying Jews the special privileges that some of them believe that society must forever afford them as a result of the Holocaust lends false credence to conspiracy theories that they control the US Government. The aforesaid speculation is easily discredited though by noting that Israel itself hasn’t sanctioned Russia nor armed Ukraine, among other examples such as Biden’s endorsement of Schumer’s call for regime change against Bibi, yet many still believe it.

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2 responses to “The “Antisemitism Awareness Act” Is An Audacious Attack Against The First Amendment, by Andrew Korybko

  1. Pingback: The “Antisemitism Awareness Act” Is An Audacious Attack Against The First Amendment, by Andrew Korybko | STRAIGHT LINE LOGIC – Additional survival tricks

  2. Neo is the One

    Brandon wants all kinds of regime change except for his puppetdency.

    Zelensky counts a Scarface pile of money with blow, Putin laughs and Bibi just might blow up the Middle East?

    These things happen when you have people in power with eschatological delusions.

    I haven’t been to church since the 1980s and there is a reason for that, it’s corrupt and infiltrated just like politricks and Big Pharmakeia, or everything for that matter.

    This just in from Eric B. & Rakim:

    Casualties Of War (Soul Power Instrumental)


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