Do we want prices to encourage or discourage people from eating garbage? From Jim Quinn at

“In twentieth-century Old Earth, a fast food chain took dead cow meat, fried it in grease, added carcinogens, wrapped it in petroleum-based foam, and sold nine hundred billion units. Human beings. Go figure.” Dan Simmons

So everyone knows Bidenomics, in conjunction with Jerome Powell’s massive money printing, has resulted in a surge in food, energy and almost all prices. This inflation most certainly hurts the poorest people the most. Where do poor people eat? Fast food joints.

As you can see from the chart below, the top 3 fast food joints have increased their prices astronomically since 2019. Their corporate profits have been solid, as they pass their increased expenses onto the customers, with an up-charge for good measure.

Since the food served by these corporate mega-food conglomerates is toxic sludge, the single biggest reason for the obesity epidemic and killing the poor prematurely, is this increase in prices good for poor people, because they can’t afford to eat there 8 times per week?

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One response to “FAST FOOD PRICES: GOOD NEWS OR BAD NEWS? By Jim Quinn

  1. The Dead Kennedys have the classic Kill the Poor song on Fresh Fruit for Rotting Vegetables from 1980.

    I always thought it was about teevee but it could be about the toxicity of living in das Republic In Name Only.

    I wouldn’t eat that synthetic Frankenfood if you paid me.

    The worst would be Rallys/Checkers and Churchs Chichen, they both have dollar menu and that feel hungry again five minutes later because your body got zero nutrients.


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