Autism and ADHD Rates Explode, Public Health™ Establishment Shrugs, by Ben Bartee

If it’s not vaccines, what is it? From Ben Bartee at

The statistics tell the story: if you live in America in 2024, chances are you know someone with a kid who has been diagnosed with ADHD and/or autism. They’re also likely to be prescribed heavy-duty pharmaceutical drugs like Adderall to cope.

Via Statista (emphasis added):

“According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the prevalence of autism among U.S. children has risen significantly in recent years. While 6.7 in 1,000 children were diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in 2000, that number had risen to 27.6 in 1,000 children by 2020. This means that currently 1 in 36 children in the U.S. get diagnosed with ASD, up from 1 in 150 children 20 years ago.

The reasons for this increase in prevalence are not fully understood and likely complex. Some possible factors that have been proposed include better awareness and screening for autism, changes in diagnostic criteria and environmental or genetic factors. Regardless of the reasons, this rise in the number of children with autism highlights the importance of early identification and intervention to help children with ASD reach their full potential.”

Acolytes of The Science™ will simply claim over and over that the reason there appears to be more autism at an ever-increasing clip is that doctors are just getting better at diagnosing it.

The reason, for instance, they´ll claim, that autism is virtually non-existent in populations that pass on vaccines for kids and all other manner of modern pharmaceutical interventions, like the Amish, is that their autism simply isn’t diagnosed properly.

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One response to “Autism and ADHD Rates Explode, Public Health™ Establishment Shrugs, by Ben Bartee

  1. Neo is the One

    Adderall?! Hory Shet, I’ll be up for three days off of one and stimulants I have to avoid, already high strung enough after the TBI & stroke Great Reset.

    It is a feature to them as the cognitively damaged are easier to control and may view the bug/pod life as a feature as long as it has distractions?

    Public Health? Oh hell NO.

    Breaking from Dick Dale:

    Misirlou (Pulp Fiction dialogue version)


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