Orban Got What He Wanted From NATO & Ensured Hungary’s Objective National Interests, by Andrew Korybko

Hungary’s Viktor Orban has been a thorn in both NATO’s and the EU’s side. As such, he’s been able to win begrudging concessions. From Andrew Korybko at korybko.com:

It was always unrealistic to imagine that Orban could stop NATO’s plans in Ukraine.

Wednesday’s meeting between Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban and NATO chief Jens Stoltenberg saw the two leaders reach an agreement on the bloc’s military aid to Ukraine. Hungary won’t oppose NATO’s decisions in this regard like it briefly did the EU’s in exchange for NATO not forcing Hungary to participate in a conventional intervention there, allow its territory to be used to facilitate that, and fund the Ukrainian Armed Forces. Simply put, they agreed to disagree and not interfere in the other’s affairs.

While some observers abroad who are favorable towards Orban might be disappointed by this, they’d do well to reflect on how unrealistic it was for them to imagine that he alone could stop NATO’s plans. The Hungarian leader has become a cult hero among Western dissidents who oppose the bloc’s proxy war on Russia through Ukraine after bravely warning over the past two years about how irresponsible and dangerous this policy is. His strongly worded statements perfectly channeled their views on this issue.

Nevertheless, he’s ultimately just one man in charge of a comparatively small country whose role in this proxy war is overshadowed by nearby Poland’s and neighboring Romania’s. It was therefore impossible for him to throw a wrench in NATO’s plans and all that he could ever hope for at best was to get public guarantees that Hungary wouldn’t be drawn into this imbroglio. That’s precisely what he received on Wednesday, which Stoltenberg gave him in an attempt to improve the bloc’s reputation.

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2 responses to “Orban Got What He Wanted From NATO & Ensured Hungary’s Objective National Interests, by Andrew Korybko

  1. Pingback: Orban Got What He Wanted From NATO & Ensured Hungary’s Objective National Interests, by Andrew Korybko — Der Friedensstifter

  2. Colonel Kilgore Trout

    BRICS+ is looking for new members with 30 in waiting room.

    We know Brussels would never allow a Hexit…but how many divisions do they really have? (h/t-Stalin)

    One seceding would cause a legitimacy crisis and be like a Mafia bust out to the Dons of NATO INC.

    The only Europastan leader with a clue and anyone who loves their homeland is respectable.

    It must be nice to not have the stupid and insane out to burn it all down at the helm.

    …as of 2023 there are concerns of “democratic backsliding” under Viktor Orban (wiki) [paraphrase]


    Breaking from Joey Scarbury:

    Believe It Or Not (Greatest American Hero)


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