“Climate Change” is a $100 Trillion Wealth Transfer from the Poor to the Rich, by Elizabeth Nickson

“Saving the planet” is code for “lining the pockets of green globalists.” From Elizabeth Nickson at elizabethnickson.substack.com:

Predator or Prey?

“Climate Change” is a $100 Trillion Wealth Transfer from the Poor to the Rich

Are you predator or prey?

This is the last in a series explaining our current unstable financial environment. Our economies have turned to conservation and de-development, which has been unrealistically financialized. The fix is easy. Walk this back. Because the moral stink will follow us for 100 years.

Ever asked yourself why 20 million have poured through the Southern border in the last three and a half years? Oh, I know, in search of economic freedom, oppression by their home governments, or oligarchs, drugs, death squads, crime etc. Same with Africa. But again, why do they risk so much to leave homelands that almost certainly, most of them love. The idea of ‘place’ is not an idea, it is a deep attachment, physical, emotional and sensate that trumps reason. You have to kill a lot of your natural self to leave, to risk your life and that of your children to escape to the cold grey north and never return. The fear alone would overwhelm all but the strongest.

They are leaving because they must.

But why now? It’s been bad forever. In South and Central America, between the descendants of the Conquistadors and the Commies, everyone has been ground beneath the heel of the oppressor for 20 generations. Because activist charities pay for these long trains of migrants? Because the left in Europe and Democrats have declared the border open?

No. Well yes, and no, those latter are just the mechanisms. And they have been deliberately constructed.

Mostly they are coming because Black Rock, the UN, the WEF are grabbing their lands, the more fertile the better, driving them from those lands and sticking them into tenement cities where they have to scratch like chickens for a living.  Agenda 2030 is ravening under the radar in the US and Canada, where “civil society” in the pay of the government and environmental NGOs funded by oligarchs, is taking as much land and as many resources as possible out of the productive economy and shoving it into the land banks of BlackRock.

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