European mutiny at the illiberal order, by Alastair Crooke

The regular people have awakened to the fact that those who claim the right to rule them don’t have their best interests at heart. From Alastair Crooke at

The mutiny has arisen because many in the West see only too clearly that the western ruling structure is an illiberal mechanical ‘control system’.

I have been writing for some time that Europe (and the U.S.) are in a period of alternate revolution and civil war. History warns us that such conflicts tend to be extended, with peak episodes which are revolutionary (as the prevailing paradigm first cracks); yet which, in reality, are but alternate modes of the same – a ‘toggling’ between revolutionary peaks and the slow ‘slog’ of intense cultural war.

We are, I believe, in such an era.

I also have suggested that a nascent counter-revolution was slowly gathering – one defiantly unwilling to recant traditionalist moral values, nor prepared to submit to an oppressive illiberal international order posing as liberal.

What I had not expected was that the ‘first shoe to drop’ would occur in Europe – that it would be France that would be the first to break the illiberal mould. (I had thought that it would break first in the U.S.)

The European MEP election outcome may come to be viewed as the ‘first swallow’ signalling a substantive change in the weather. There are to be snap elections in Britain and France, and Germany (and well as much of Europe) is in a state of political disarray.

Have no illusions though! The cold reality is that western ‘Power Structures’ own the wealth, the key institutions in society and the levers of enforcement. To be plain: they hold the ‘commanding heights’. How will they manage a West edging towards moral, political and possibly financial collapse? Most likely by doubling-down, with no compromise.

And that predictable ‘doubling down’ will not necessarily be confined to fights within the ‘Colosseum’ arena. It will certainly impinge into high-risk geo-politics.

Undoubtedly, U.S. ‘structures’ will have been deeply disconcerted by the European election portent. What does the European anti-Establishment mutiny imply for those Ruling Structures in Washington, especially at a time when all the world sees Joe Biden visibly wobbling?

How will they distract ‘us’ from this first crack to their international Structural Edifice?

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One response to “European mutiny at the illiberal order, by Alastair Crooke

  1. Gandalf Carlin

    Breaking-Russia offers peace, keep 5 conquered regions, UKE surrenders, rejected by the war pigs and vassals.

    In Versailles style the pigs are asking Russia to pay for 404 rebuild, almost $500 million stolen by Ukes, which was supposed to spent on defense.

    D-Fense! Is my favorite and you can be offensive with it.

    Revealed troop strength of 700k+ for RF with more signing up daily.

    Putin is issuing some red line warnings?

    They can’t Stig Beal every (s)election for these rump vassal figureheads.

    We have the watches, they have the time.

    Attrition works in many ways, including time.

    Breaking from Black Sabbath:

    The Wizard


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