shutting down censorship? don’t bet on it. By el gato malo

Totalitarians have gotta total and censors gotta censor. From el gato malo at

“we don’t do that stuff no more,” they said, as they prepared to do that stuff some more.

this has been much in the news over the last day or so:


on its face, this seems like a big deal. the stanford internet observatory was a nexus of social media censorship, twitter files, and all manner of mendacious manipulation and malfeasance.

it’s the precise sort of cut out and “constitutional violation by proxy” that murthy v missouri (originally missouri v biden) has placed before the supreme court who seems quite likely to rule quite emphatically that “governments hiring people to break the constitution for them is still unconstitutional.”

but i fear we must consult the tinfoil cat on this one.

seeing the agent and agencies used to such potent perniciousness seems at first blush like it must be a Very Good Thing but: before getting too excited about this “good news” consider:

if you were an expert in media and perception manipulation and you knew you were about to get busted and rolled up by SCOTUS, what would you do?

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One response to “shutting down censorship? don’t bet on it. By el gato malo

  1. Neo is the One

    Watching Mr. Roark stump the Devil and The Martian Chronicles!

    In Search Of was my favorite as a lil’ Shaver and teevee used to be awesome in vintage legacy USA.

    I love that scene in Constantine where he offers himself to Lucifer for his sister…you just got saved.

    Censor this, commies. [middle finger]

    So thin skinned are the comrades with their loathsome ideology of envy and misery for all.

    Watch it all crumble as they thought it was all wrapped up.

    To hell with them.

    O/T-Spotted a patches kiki on heel and toe, meow.

    Ideas are more powerful than guns. We would not let our enemies have guns, why should we let them have ideas.

    Joseph Stalin

    Breaking from The Spinners:

    I’ll Be Around (Disco Cat Remix)


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