Sick Of and Done With, by James Howard Kunstler

Is the cabal behind Joe Biden a coven? From James Howard Kunstler at

“Biden is not well. Everyone knows this even those who support him…the difference is they don’t care and that’s the most frightening aspect of this situation.” — Edward Dowd

     They’re kidding, right? That “Joe Biden” is capable of being president? Not just for another four-year term, but right here and now? This has got to be the most pitiful case of national gaslighting since 218-AD when the Romans installed 14-year-old Heliogabalus to front for their empire. Like “JB,” he reigned for four years (before the praetorian guard offed him). The Danish historian of ancient Rome, Barthold Niebuhr, said of him: “. . . [He] had nothing at all to make up for his vices, which are of such a kind that it is too disgusting even to allude to them.”

     Lately, even the news media has begun to report “Joe Biden’s” senile mishaps. On Thursday at an outdoor photo op during the G7 meet-up in Italy, the ol’ dawg just wandered off from the assembled pack of world leaders until Italy’s PM Giorgia Meloni went and reeled him back in.

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One response to “Sick Of and Done With, by James Howard Kunstler

  1. Neo is the One

    Commodus Joe “Slovo” Brandon is the master of disaster, even Lord Humungus would run and Prince Sadim would facepalm.

    Saw one earlier about don’t be a patriot when Patriotism means loving the land (soil) and people not some worst government that money can buy.

    Waiting for the Friday JHK is like Christmas Morning when morale is sagging. (H/T)

    Breaking from Sun:

    Come On And Dance (Do What You Wanna Do)


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