Fossil Fuels: The Best-Kept Secret in Our World Today, by Jason Isaac

As the climate continues to change, life for most people on the planet gets better. From Jason Isaac at

Apparently, you can litigate anything these days, and it’s gotten far more insidious than suing McDonald’s over hot coffee being, you know, hot. A new climate activist group called Our Children’s Trust is suing state and federal government agencies on behalf of individual children, claiming that fossil fuel regulators are negligently ruining their future.

That children should feel entitled to come of age under a specific set of favorable environmental and political circumstances — and to demand punishment for individuals they disagree with — isn’t just a testament to the egocentrism dominating the 21st Century. It also exposes our culture’s deeply warped understanding of climate science, which, surprisingly to many of us, actually shows global warming has no meaningful negative effects on our lives or our environment.

In fact, we have fossil fuels to thank for the twenty-first century for being the best time in human history to be alive. Unfortunately, it’s the best-kept secret in our world today.

If we really want to earn “our children’s trust,” we should teach them the truth instead of foisting crippling and needless anxiety on an entire generation.

Contrary to the attention-grabbing clips of forests burning and shock-inducing statistics about record-high temperatures, modern climate science suggests that warming is likely to remain mild and manageable while our resilience continues to improve. In fact, despite average global temperatures increasing about 1° Fahrenheit and our population quadrupling in the last century, climate-related disasters claim 99% fewer lives. Our resistance to severe weather events (which actually have remained consistent or even declined in recent decades) is actually growing at a faster rate than non-weather-related natural disasters like volcanoes and earthquakes. The alarmists want you to believe a changing climate is jeopardizing human lives; however, the opposite is true.

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One response to “Fossil Fuels: The Best-Kept Secret in Our World Today, by Jason Isaac

  1. Colonel Kilgore Trout

    One day it will be so insane there will be lawsuits against God and Lady Nature?

    These things happen when evil lawyers run roughshod over deluded useful idiot dupes and Bolsheviks take over education.

    Education is a weapon, whose effect depends on who holds it in his hands and at whom it is aimed.

    Joseph Stalin

    That’s gotta suck living in fear and letting someone else drive your brain.

    Breaking from Jimmy C. Newman:

    Good Ole Boys From Louisiana


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