In Europe, people said “no” to war and woke culture, by Lucas Leiroz

The peasants are rejecting “the narrative.” From Lucas Leiroz at

Electoral results reflect popular dissatisfaction with the advancement of Western agendas on the European continent.

The recent European elections brought a great advance of the right across almost the entire continent. The weakening of liberal parties shows how the population is dissatisfied with the bloc’s current administration, demanding changes in the political guidelines of the European Union (EU). In fact, this was already a scenario expected by any analyst attentive to the European situation.

Although many liberal analysts claim that the European elections reflect some kind of “growth of extremism” in Europe, the people’s choice for the right seems to indicate another situation: a popular reaction to the disguised fascism of Western institutions. Since 2022, the European people have been increasingly angry with the policies of national governments and the bloc as a whole, which explains the option for radical changes in the last elections.

In recent decades, the political situation in Europe has changed to a scenario of opposition between patriotic, Euroskeptic groups, which advocate for the national interests of European countries, and, on the other hand, liberal sectors, supporters of absolute integration with the Collective West, advocating for the globalist cultural, political and economic agendas. The most patriotic sectors are usually related to the so-called “right wing”, while the “left” and “center” wing groups tend to have a more globalist and pro-Western stance.

Currently, most European governments are aligned with the interests of the Collective West – not only in political and economic issues, but mainly in cultural topics, with the so-called “woke culture” being widespread among Europeans. The advancement of the LGBT and queer agenda in European countries has generated dissatisfaction among the most conservative social sectors, especially ordinary people with a religious mindset.

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One response to “In Europe, people said “no” to war and woke culture, by Lucas Leiroz

  1. Sun von Rommel

    Right wing extremism, democratic backsliding, as they see the precious “our demockracy” slipping away.


    Watching the Finnish Simo Häyhä story with 25 sniper kills in one day and 500 in one hundred days, hit by a bullet in the jaw requiring 26 surgeries to repair, and left with a disfigured face, he never used a scope as it gives away the position.

    He stated I felt nothing regarding the enemy or dispassionate about it all, this is the way to study and wage war.

    We don’t get to say NO over here as demockracy became a suicide pact in late 2020, but at least the tweets aren’t mean and what a sun tan under the 7500 degree mushroom cloud.

    Yes we can, si se puede?

    Breaking from Invasion:



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