Israel Agrees to a Ceasefire… as Long as It Can Keep Fighting. By Mike Whitney

Only someone as befuddled as Joe Biden could miss the glaring contradiction. From Mike Whitney at

Good news! Israel has agreed to accept Biden’s ceasefire deal as long as it can keep fighting. This is from CNN:

Israeli statement on Tuesday indicated it was poised to formally sign up to the current ceasefire plan for Gaza, while at the same time maintaining the freedom to keep fighting. CNN

Can you see how absurd this is? It’s like the fat man who agrees to go on a diet as long as he can still eat as much as he wants. It’s nonsense.

A ceasefire is a ceasefire. It is the termination of hostilities and an end to the fighting. Period. Israeli’s lawyerly wordplay does not change the meaning of the word or twist it to fit Israel’s strategic agenda. It is semantical gymnastics intended to hoodwink the public.

We shouldn’t have to point this out, but the media appears to be pressing the issue by carefully rephrasing Israel’s deliberate misunderstanding of what “ceasefire” means. Now –in the last 24 hours– they have slightly modified their approach again to better conceal their trickery. Now, instead of saying that a ceasefire allows them “the freedom to keep fighting”, they’re saying that “the ceasefire plan enables its war goals.”

There’s a subtle difference, but the meaning is the same. Israel wants to continue slaughtering civilians while saying they are in compliance with the ceasefire. It boggles the mind to think they’d put so much effort into finding a benign phrase for ‘continuing the killing’.

So, what’s really going on behind this misleading language?

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One response to “Israel Agrees to a Ceasefire… as Long as It Can Keep Fighting. By Mike Whitney

  1. Dank attention grabber at the aggregator, AIPAC owned house reinstates draft or UNI sponsored.

    Useful idiots are so cute in thinking that the ethnic basket weaving studies degree loan was cancelled for free.

    Can’t find anything with that “historic” degree, there’s a killing field for that, snowflake.

    Be the first on your block to die for the globalists and war pigs, two and soon to be three fronts to chose from…yes you can!

    No shirking now comrades and protesting against the indispensable isn’t free either.

    We’re all in this fweedom fwies New Civility hive together or you’re with the….Russians are coming!

    Welcome to the real world as Harold the Brain says.

    Breaking from Action Bronson:

    Easy Rider (Video Version)


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