Ozempic Propaganda: ‘Chronic Disease Requires Chronic Treatment’, by Ben Bartee

The Ozempic (weight loss drug) hype doesn’t yet match that of the COVID vaccines, but give it time. From Ben Bartee at armageddonprose.com:

Ozempic Propaganda Roundup: Unpacking the corrupt motives and means behind hefty pharmaceutical propaganda.

More devastating stats on Ozempic weight loss treadmill

          Related: Nestle Debuts ‘Brand to Support GLP-1 Users’ (Ozempic Patients)

Via NPR (emphasis added):

“More and more people who started taking the new GLP-1 agonist drugs are now confronting the realities of their limitations; medications like Wegovy and Mounjaro tend to help with sustained weight loss only while people are on them. But because of cost, for example, negative side effects, or supply shortages, many people are having to transition off of them — while trying not to regain the weight…

[Jonathan Meyers] isn’t confident he could keep those distracting thoughts at bay in the long run, without pharmacological support.

And so far, clinical data seem to back up Meyers’ suspicions. One early study showed patients regained two-thirds of the weight lost within the first year of stopping. New analysis showed 17% of people able to maintain 80% of their weight loss after stopping. And while experts say lifestyle choices like food and activity must be the cornerstone of all lasting weight loss plans, they also recognize those changes alone are often not enough for patients with obesity.

In other words: Chronic disease requires chronic treatment, no different than kidney disease, or high cholesterol. The new obesity treatments act on the various hormonal and metabolic drivers of obesity.”

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One response to “Ozempic Propaganda: ‘Chronic Disease Requires Chronic Treatment’, by Ben Bartee

  1. Sun von Rommel

    ELMO is 100% effective.

    Eat Less Move Often.

    No need to eat the entire buffet, leave some for the others.

    Muh pill is a feature to Big Pharmakeia, especially the ones that you will have to take for life.

    They can always jack the price up as well like a Mafia.

    Hopefully it never comes to that scenario of the cartels controlling everything and they do love them some Brandon.

    Made some shekels when Brandon got in and the diabetes medicine was $900 while only $95 in Canada, it has returned to normal as the main manufacturer is in India. [about $40]

    Lost 150lbs. in six years by watching carbs, zero sugar, no sugar water pop, reading all labels for ingredients that fatten you up no matter what.

    I have salads every day…with chopped meat and fish, more like a layer salad with cheese, the works.

    At least one walkabout heel and toe to the US HWY a day which is two miles round trip, used to take an hour when I started, now 30mins. or less.

    Always a stride around after a meal, no shirking, ever.

    After late meal, the kitchen is closed.

    That isn’t easy like a pill though and not for everyone.

    Breaking from John Addison:

    A Bridge Too Far (Main Theme)


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