Searching for the Truth About the Raid at Mar-a-Lago, by Julie Kelly

There are a lot of questions about the FBI’s raid on Mar-a-Lago, and about the disparate treatment Biden and Trump have received concerning documents in their possession. From Julie Kelly at

Top officials at the Department of Justice are downplaying recently disclosed documents showing FBI agents were authorized to use deadly force during their 2022 raid of Donald Trump’s Florida estate, Mar-a-Lago.

Responding to Trump’s claim that “Joe Biden was locked & loaded ready to take me out & put my family in danger,” FBI Director Christopher Wray said the bureau was following “standard operating procedure” as it executed a search warrant on Aug. 8, 2022, regarding classified material that the former president was holding at Mar-a-Lago.

While noting that Trump was not present during the raid, Attorney General Merrick Garland dismissed Trump’s claim as “false” and “dangerous.” Garland said the same language was used in a later search warrant seeking classified documents President Biden was storing in various locations.

But critics argue that there was nothing ordinary about the Mar-a-Lago raid, in which more than 30 FBI agents descended on Trump’s Palm Beach estate, potentially creating a dangerous situation with the armed Secret Service agents on site.

“There was zero reason to create an unnecessary, even one in a thousand chance, of a blue-on-blue situation with firearms,” former Secret Service agent and political commentator Dan Bongino said on his podcast. “The FBI, DOJ, and management of the Secret Service effed this up royally.”

Even as the DOJ presents its actions as business as usual, the newly released documents and other public records suggest the department’s actions entered uncharted territory. While the department claims that all citizens must be treated equally, critics note that no former president was ever the subject of an FBI search warrant before Trump.

A recently discovered Department of Defense memo suggests that the federal government may well have had copies of the documents in Trump’s possession, also raising questions about the need for the raid. The content of those documents has not been disclosed but, critics ask, if Trump was not retaining copies of information that threatened national security, what was the need for an armed raid?

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One response to “Searching for the Truth About the Raid at Mar-a-Lago, by Julie Kelly

  1. Gandalf Carlin

    Mar-a-Lago was built for the businesswoman and socialite Marjorie Merriweather Post between 1924 and 1927, during the Florida land boom. (wiki)

    No wonder esteemed party member comrade kommissar Bray of the GRU speaks of leaving if we ever have another honest election…dreams are free.

    They [CPUSA] wanted the tsar Romanov treatment?

    They wanted to see what DJT had on them?

    What happened to all those documents that the greatest person to ever walk the face of the earth, the Chicago jesus Messiah toted off with? (s/)

    Preezy of the Steezy can keep any damn document he wants as Commander In Chief?

    As if he [DJT] is that stupid to not have an ace up the sleeve.

    The CPUSA (D) has already said that they won’t be doing anything about Merrick Beria the esteemed party member comrade being held in contempt of brothel.

    Will we ever be free of these sulfur stench Bolsheviks?

    Breaking from Fleetwood Mac:

    Dreams (Lost 12″ Promo Version)


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