What’s Really Behind Putin’s Generous Ceasefire Proposal? By Andrew Korybko

If anyone on the U.S./NATO side had a shred of respect for human life, they’d use this proposal as the basis for peace negotiations. From Andrew Korybko at korybko.substack.com:

President Putin knew that they’d reject the terms of his ceasefire proposal but he still publicly shared them in order to place the responsibility for this summer’s predictable escalation on their shoulders.

President Putin shocked friends and foes alike, most of whom were hitherto convinced that Russia wants to capture all of Ukraine, by sharing a ceasefire proposal on Friday during his speech at the Foreign Ministry. The terms are simple: Ukraine must withdraw from the administrative borders of those four regions that joined Russia after September 2022’s referenda and declare that it no longer wants to join NATO. Upon doing so, “we will immediately cease fire and start negotiations”, he promised.

There’s more to this than meets the eye, however, since the timing came one day before the Swiss talks that Russia fiercely opposes for the reasons that were explained here. His proposal was also shared amidst the incipient SinoBrazilian efforts to organize a parallel non-Western peace process that they and Russia hope will culminate in a deal at November’s G20 Summit in Rio. As such, while there’s no reason to doubt his sincerity like some have, it’s clear that he intended to foil the first and support the second.

Not only that, but he likely also had in mind the larger military-strategic context of an impending escalation by sometime this summer that could occur if NATO members conventionally intervene in Ukraine on the pretext of “defending” it in the event of a Russian breakthrough across the front lines. If an invasion force crosses the Dnieper and appears to threaten Russia’s new regions, then it’s possible that tactical nukes could be used to stop them as a last resort in self-defense, ergo the ongoing drills.

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One response to “What’s Really Behind Putin’s Generous Ceasefire Proposal? By Andrew Korybko

  1. Sun von Rommel

    He knows the really big show is coming and will pick up some allies and voluntary new recruits?

    South America is wide open and a nice spot to place troops and weapons in the FAFO mode.

    A convenient launching pad only 90 miles off the abomination of desolation FUSA/AINO, Cuba.

    The mean girlboss yass kweens of the faculty lounge (h/t-JHK) are in for a rude shock as RF has been building up for ten years.

    Those why didn’t he go into Donbas people back in 2014 don’t understand that you have build up your WAR machine which takes time and the economy has to be solid gold as in stockpiles of bars.

    It isn’t fine being the Forces Of Evil.

    This just in from Invasion:

    Saturation Bombing


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