Education Nightmare: Baltimore & Chicago Public Schools Spend, Spend, Spend As Test Scores Drop, by Tyler Durden

Quality of education depends on quality of the students and quality of their teachers. Study after study has shown there’s not much correlation between money spent and educational outcomes. From Tyler Durden at

Baltimore City and Chicago Public Schools are spending taxpayer monies like there’s no tomorrow, yet math and reading test scores are shockingly low. Radical leftists, who are embedded in these school systems, along with the officials in City Halls in these respective imploding metro areas, have ideals and beliefs not rooted in reality. Their progressive agendas have failed the youth and also unleashed a tidal wave of crime and chaos.

These are not new problems for crime-ridden Baltimore City and Chicago. The school systems in these metro areas have been failing the nation’s future generations for years. Still, it’s only now becoming absolutely insane that woke leftists are continuing to run these education systems into the ground. 

Take, for instance, Chicago. Data from the non-profit Illinois Policy shows education spending has surged 97% since 2012, but student proficiency in reading has declined by 63% and by 78% in math for grades 3-8. 

Since 2012, spending has increased by 97%, but student proficiency in reading has declined by 63% and by 78% in math for grades 3-8. With the costs of the demands outlined above – which represents only a fraction of CTU’s latest demands – annual spending is set to triple compared to 2012 levels. -Illinois Policy

“Chicagoans rightfully concerned about the futures of their children – and their wallets – should sign up to make their voices heard,” Illinois Policy wrote in a report

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One response to “Education Nightmare: Baltimore & Chicago Public Schools Spend, Spend, Spend As Test Scores Drop, by Tyler Durden

  1. Colonel Kilgore Trout

    Throw more money is always the comrade’s solution since it comes from the taxpayer provided feeding trough.

    The EDU apparatchiks love it as another raise is voted for, they are like the necons and managerialists, never any consequences for failure.

    The mean girl yasskweens from the faculty lounge run the FUSA now and you can tell.

    Local Montessori 1980’s education is probably better than Marxist EDU and the lovely Ms. C (h/t) introduced me to the commie conspiracies or KGB mind viruses and we read Animal Farm in fifth grade.

    Biggest HS in the state is where the diploma came from…now surrounded by Section 8 and meaning next to nothing when it used to get your foot in the door.

    They had SAT standards back then and you also had to have a way to pay for higher EDU as it wasn’t open to any idiot.

    Feeling cute, might look up how it has all went downhill since the DOE came along under Jimmy Carter.

    LOL! One says the gov has no authority in education under the constitution, so cute, they have the money carrot and curriculum control.

    This just in from Van Morrison:

    Into The Mystic


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