“Geo-engineering is the most dangerous diabolical thing that has ever happened to us.” By Elizabeth Nickson

Yet another conspiracy theory on its way to being proven conspiracy fact. From Elizabeth Nickson at elizabethnickson.substack.com:

Yeah, it’s real, it’s happening; it, more than any enviro horseshit, is killing the earth

Climate engineering was used last summer to terrify people about global warming. Virtually every fire, every loss, every death was deliberate.

photo by Eliza Mitchell – fires in the next valley from her ranch – chemical burn creates these colors

“Weather was a weapon used over Vietnam,” says US Air Force Major General Richard H Roellig. “Would you expect that to be deleted from the availability? No! They continue to expand the scientific aspects of it, to have it available in your portfolio of weaponry would be a natural process. Should you expect it to be available on demand to have the ability to modify weather? Absolutely. Within this country. And others.”

“Climate engineering is the crown jewel of the Military-Industrial Complex. It has been used to topple nations all over the globe, facilitating the takeover of hostile countries. We know some of these countries have had their precipitation cut off, like Iran, which stated so on the floor of the U.N.” – Dane Wigington

These days if I despair I think of Keats and his nostrum, “some say the world is a vale of tears, I call it a place of soul making.” Then I take some pleasure in thinking of my contemporaries being held to account in the afterlife, forced to look at the results of their inaction, their vanity, their self-cherishing, their lack of heart.

At which point I realize I am equally to blame.

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2 responses to ““Geo-engineering is the most dangerous diabolical thing that has ever happened to us.” By Elizabeth Nickson

  1. Pingback: “Geo-engineering is the most dangerous diabolical thing that has ever happened to us.” By Elizabeth Nickson — Der Friedensstifter

  2. Sun von Rommel

    You’ll need all those resources for the replacements to sit in clover.

    Above average rainy spring here and just this weekend it hit 80’s-90’s for first time with nice breeze and the humidity hasn’t even started

    When it does you can see the moisture and a crackling sound as it gets over 90’s, almost rain forest in July and August.

    The Ralphie (picks nose) do gooders are always helping and some might be guilty knowing deep down what douchenozzle poseurs they are.

    Always pulling that Yankee Puritan virtue signal card, in Thurston Howell III voice, well good for you, duly noted, please get another hobby. (s/)

    Breaking from Lionel Richie:

    All Night Long (Live in L.A.)


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