
Mistakes were made

h/t el gato malo

3 responses to “Mistakes were made

  1. Ah-ha! Cats, always doing this thing called whatever the F’ they want and it never fails.

    A fountain of youth?

    Delicious Caffè Borghetti and coffee, may have put in too much with mini-buzz.

    Breaking from Steely Dan:

    Kid Charlemagne (Instrumental)


  2. Mistakes were deliberately made.


  3. Neo is the One

    That will be the excuse for rounding up people that the hive doesn’t like, mistakes were made, we were only following orders?

    It isn’t that hard to control it all, money, politricks, religion.

    Cognitive Dissidents will get the hammer or anyone who looks weird or makes mean face, thinks for him or her self.

    One cop said what is the crime over and over as Karen said he looks, mean, has a heavy metal shirt on, I think he’s armed.

    I also have the police in action shirt showing the Rodney King beating and some don’t care for that.

    This has to be the softest, weakest, stupidest, version of humanity in over 1000 years and it won’t end well as the Principalities and Powers of Darkness Pounce.

    @ Anon,

    You have to put some mistakes in there so they don’t think that you are a bot when that bot behavior interstitial comes up. (wink)


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