Psychological Bioterrorism, by Robert W. Malone, MD, MS

If you can get people afraid of a germ, you can get them to do just about anything. From Robert W. Malone at

An address to the “No to Agenda 2030” conference in Rome, Italy

In my opinion, the promoted fear of the current “Avian Influenza” strain is one example of “Disease X,” which the WHO has been warning of.  However, “Avian influenza” is not the threat to human health that it is being promoted to be.  To the best of my knowledge, there have been no documented human deaths from this version of Bird Flu, and there is no evidence that it is being transmitted from human to human in a regular or sustained fashion.  This appears to be another example of “Psychological Bioterrorism”, which is the focus of this lecture.

Psychological Bioterrorism

This discussion is augmented by the 2017 disclosures of Dr. Alexander Kouzminov, an ex-intelligence operative who worked for the Soviet-Russian Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) during the 1980-90s and who specialized in intelligence operations involving bioweapons-related activities in target countries before he resigned from the SVR and emigrated to New Zealand. 

What is Psychological Bioterrorism?

“Psychological” or “Information Bioterrorism” involves the use of fear of an infectious disease to control people and their behavior.  It is a very effective method for mass manipulation of populations and works by creating a state of heightened anxiety and fear of death in the people who are targeted.  This fear is often grounded in misleading, poorly documented historical stories- essentially folk tales or parables- about historic pandemics of very dangerous diseases. 

Often, these parables have little relevance to modern society with its sophisticated sanitary practices, hospital networks, and wide spectrum of antibiotics, antifungals, antiparasitics, and anti-inflammatory drugs.

One example of such a story is the tale of the global “Spanish Influenza” pandemic of 1918. This story has long been used to justify the need for mass annual influenza vaccination to avoid a future influenza pandemic. But this story is misleading folklore. It has been repeated for over a century since these events occurred and still incites deep fear in the minds of many. 

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2 responses to “Psychological Bioterrorism, by Robert W. Malone, MD, MS

  1. Pingback: Psychological Bioterrorism, by Robert W. Malone, MD, MS — Der Friedensstifter

  2. Sun von Rommel

    Mass Formation Psychosis as in Salem and other hysterias.

    Easier to control and corral that way.

    All due to necrophobia or fear of the unknown.

    I do feel bad for people who think that the government is some kind of mother/father or god as that is a dangerous mindset to your survival.

    Whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away.

    James 4:14

    Breaking from Charlie Daniels Band:

    Uneasy Rider


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