climate catastrophism as big business, by el gato malo

Are you sincerely worried about climate change. Can you convincingly fake being sincerely concerned about climate change? Either way, play your cards right and there are big bucks to be had. From el gato malo at

green is all about the greenbacks

you all know gato’s first law:

as soon as one allows politicians to determine that which is bought and sold, the first thing bought and sold will always be politicians.

increasingly, this goes double for journalism. this trend is no longer haphazard nor piecemeal. it’s a unified, organized, well funded edifice of crony corporatist marketing, manipulation, and grift being funded by investment experts who know an attractive value proposition when they see one.

behind the dupes and power chasers of “watermelon green” hiding red on the inside lies a vast group of funding sources willing to indulge these would be world savers so long as they all stay onside and push the wares sold by the companies they funded.

“why innovate when you can mandate?” runs the greentech investing mantra now popular from silicon valley to london and berlin to bejing.

why indeed…

this has coalesced into entire agencies and networks of journalistic jingo stepping into dying dinosaur newsrooms with one simple ask to trigger a showering of largess. i’ll let the earth journalism network speak in its own words so that none may claim straw man or that i overstate their goals:

truth is not the goal. crisis is.

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One response to “climate catastrophism as big business, by el gato malo

  1. Neo is the One

    Wouldn’t it be a great time for a new Ice Age!

    Too much excitement as we enter the New Dark Ages.

    You’ll own nothing and like it in your eco friendly pod.

    Earth saving Lithium batteries now $40,000 each. (s/)

    Don’t worry you won’t need that in 15 minute concentration camp.

    Only possible in times of Terminal Peak Stupidity as a ten year old could see right through these power and control, more for us less for you schemes.

    And the clowns they put out as the spokesperson for Gaia, Greta, Larry DiCap, Lurch Kerry, no one would follow them anywhere without having a double digit IQ.

    Breaking from Donald Fagen:

    The New Frontier (Instrumental)



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