Orange Man – Orange Jumpsuit? By Eric Peters

No matter who is (s)elected this fall, we will get an authoritarian at best, a dictator at worst. However, Trump may be the lesser evil. From Eric Peters at

Very soon, we will find out whether the Orange Man will be wearing an orange jumpsuit. And accepting the Republican Party’s nomination for (s)elected dictator – which is what the American presidency has become as a matter of practice.

Ostensibly – constitutionally – the president is supposed to have no other power than to see that the laws passed by Congress are “faithfully executed.” That is, imposed and enforced. But we like to pretend it’s something more civilized.

At any rate, the president has no constitutional authority to make laws. But presidents have been doing just that for decades, via (among other things) what are styled “executive orders.” Which is a politically sanitized way of saying I – the president – order. President Bush explained it thusly:

I am the Decider.

Stalin was, too. And – let’s not forget – there were (s)elections in Russia, too. Because it is politically necessary to pretend the people have a say over who “executive orders” them around. The similarities between Soviet Russia and the Sovietizing United States wax rather than wane.

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One response to “Orange Man – Orange Jumpsuit? By Eric Peters

  1. Neo is the One

    Russia under CCCP also had a constitution and some Grand Old Politburo kabuki.

    Herr Adolf had the Enabling Act after the Reichstag blaze to become the decider.

    Was J6 some third rate attempt at the same?

    The loyalty oath from all military forces to Uncle Adi came the next year in 1934?

    Orange is the new black?

    Some will view that as he’s one of us and a street cred builder.

    The man has went through the ringer for the country he loves, no matter whether you love or hate him.

    Hot Cars-Late 1970’s woodland camo Army 4×4 Chevy and das teevee had a royal blue Toyota MR2 out desert cruising?

    This just in from Project Pat:

    Still Ridin’ Clean


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