Europe’s Elections as a Mirror, by Patrick Lawrence

Maybe, if Europe’s rulers want to keep ruling, they should try to understand their opposition. The same can be said of America’s rulers. From Patrick Lawrence at

Ah, those elections last week to the European Parliament, in which voters across the European Union administered a sound whack to the technocrats, market fundamentalists, and liberal authoritarians who now hold power across much of the Continent: Let us attempt what we are not supposed ever to undertake. Let us try to understand them.

The E.U. Parliament, to get straight a few basic details, is one strut of the three-legged stool of which the union is made: The unelected technocrats are in Brussels, the unelected central bankers are in Frankfurt, and the elected legislature is in Strasbourg. Belgium, Germany, and France: The distribution of institutional power in this way is meant as a display of the Continent’s hard-won unity.

The catch here, and the reason I and many others got off the E.U. bus years ago, is that the lawmakers in Strasbourg are essentially powerless. Yes, you had inspired MEPs such as Claire Daly and her colleague Mick Wallace, both Irish (and you have to love Daly’s lilting brogue). They made use of the legislative chambers in Strasbourg to articulate principled positions on Gaza, Ukraine, and other such questions, but there has never been any question of the E.U. Parliament having the power to legislate the union’s direction. Parenthetically, Daly and Wallace were voted out of office in last week’s elections.

The E.U. is as it has long been—an undemocratic institution atop which sit neoliberal ideologues and austerian central bankers, technocrats who take no interest in the democratic process or the wishes of the E.U.’s citizenry. Readers may recall the brutality with which Brussels and Frankfurt had Athenians eating out of garbage cans nine years ago to protect the interests of bond investors holding Greek sovereign debt. That was the E.U. in action, the E.U. that has perverted the worthy vision of its postwar founders.

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One response to “Europe’s Elections as a Mirror, by Patrick Lawrence

  1. Neo is the One

    They’re all out to burn it all down.

    All are down with Frankfurt School Long March.

    All “leaders” are quislings only in it for the shekels.

    The globalists who own/run the world expect rebellion or KIA for all societies so the real crackdown can begin.

    There is no political solution and it is all fake and GAE.

    Breaking-The Buffalo Bills are starting the gay football league…it is on X and still checking to make sure it isn’t Not Sure plants crave electrolytes extra big ass 64oz. Brawndo.

    Our external enemies tremble and fear and know they don’t want any of that we are so progressive, let’s stick something up our butt society. (s/)

    ‘We will corrupt the West so bad that it stinks.’

    Comrade Willi Munzenberg, The Frankfurt School.

    Sorry if that was demoralizing and I may have to look at some Bob Ross paintings or something.

    Now you know why I harp on morale.


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