Howdy y’all, by Millennial Rabble

The money sentence: “Authenticity is the currency of millennials because our elders across every part of the power structure have modeled everything else but that.” From Millennial Rabble at

Greetings most finest and noblest of countrymen. I offered to offer my offering of off-putting remarks from hither and yon in this fair land and in Admin’s great judgment and/or moment of weakness he/she/it/they/them said yes.

In all seriousness though I have appreciated Admin’s capacity over the years for equal parts extended – nay wordy – exploration of the minutiae of finance and economics and concise snippets of sarcastic insights into this head scratcher we call humanity. The thing about being a lurker is that it’s low risk. And picking up the vibe that I’m a tad younger and more liberal than the median, I haven’t really wanted to crash anybody’s party uninvited. I came more for the Occupy Wall Street commentary than caring about Donald Trump 11-d chess or whatever it’s up to.

ghouls and ghosts Sega game
How would Oliver Anthony describe this video game thrown in the wash? An old soul livin’ in a new Whirlpool.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m as sarcastic and curmudgeonly as anybody. Age is just a number, and generational differences get exaggerated by researchers who have to sensationalize everything to get funding. But there is something captivating about cycles and turnings and so forth, something real and authentic about living through shared experiences at a moment in time that can’t be recreated or felt in the same way by anyone before or after. And so I’m hoping to add my voice to our glorious efforts of equal parts bemusement and truth seeking. You know, so long as the internets keep working and all that.

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One response to “Howdy y’all, by Millennial Rabble

  1. Gandalf Carlin

    Shaped by Animal House, MAD/Cracked magazine, Mad Max, EFNY, elders and older siblings.

    They told me the truth about santa claus at age seven and one Christmas they unwrapped a gift of tool kits used them and rewrapped them. LMFAO!

    Vintage legacy America is by far, the greatest place ever.

    Saw right through the smoking mirrors (h/t-LV) funhose of Potemkin delusion from an early age.

    If the truth was injected into it that would cause a grinding halt to the vampire squid parasite gorging and maybe that’s the answer.

    Make Colonel Jessup proud and handle the truth.


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