Scandal at Trump-backer Epoch Times… Biden and U.S. establishment getting desperate over election? By Finian Cunningham

The Epoch Times has blossomed, primarily because of its serious articles about subjects the mainstream media would rather ignore. SLL reposts some its articles, usually via Zero Hedge. From Finian Cunningham at

Digging up dirt using a money-laundering scandal makes perfect sense. Muzzling a pro-Trump media outlet is a bonus too.

With the U.S. presidential election only four months away, the incumbent Joe Biden White House and the Democrat Party are getting desperate. They can’t seem to close the gap in poll numbers showing Republican rival Donald Trump having a strong chance of regaining the presidency.

Such is the political crisis in the United States from voter indifference to both candidates that anything could happen. With Trump threatening a “bloodbath” if he loses in November, the prospect of national chaos either way is looming.

An increasingly frail Biden is calling on Hollywood A-listers to boost his flagging campaign. A recent $30 million fundraiser by Tinseltown big names including Julia Roberts and George Clooney warned of the “scariest” outcome if Trump were returned to the White House.

What’s of concern to the political and media establishment – which largely votes Democrat – is that Trump’s popularity seems immune to damage from scandal and legal prosecutions for financial corruption. His fundraising is also set to grow more robustly after the Republican Congressional leaders put aside any misgivings to bless his campaign.

The high stakes may explain the “big news” crackdown on alleged corruption by the chief financial executive at the conservative news outlet, The Epoch Times.

Its Chief Financial Officer Weidong “Bill” Guan is in court this week facing federal charges for money laundering and bank fraud to the tune of $67 million. Guan denies the charges but if convicted he is facing a 20-30 year stretch in jail.

The Epoch Times is a major supporter of “The Donald”. The weekly newspaper is published in 35 countries and 22 languages. It was founded 25 years ago and is affiliated with the Falun Gong movement, a secretive quasi-Buddhist religion that claims to have millions of followers in the U.S. and worldwide. The spiritual leader is China-born multimillionaire Li Hongzhi who lives in exile. Falun Gong is banned in China by the Chinese government which accuses it of cult practices and extortion of followers.

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2 responses to “Scandal at Trump-backer Epoch Times… Biden and U.S. establishment getting desperate over election? By Finian Cunningham

  1. Neo is the One

    Relax, Long March comrades, there’s a false flag caused be a replacement or WWIII for that.

    Dominion still counts the votes. (H/T-Stalin)

    Your moldy scripts are so see right through, stick with them in the spirit of egalitarian equity.

    OT-Odd useful finds on Area Study/Scavenge, medical supplies of gauze, salves/ointments, tape, and over 1000 of those 3.5oz mouth wash cups. [all NIB]

    Burn this MOFO down and Mad Max Wasteland are features and not bugs.

    Yes we can, si se puede!

    Breaking from Joe Bataan:

    Woman Don’t Want To Love Me


  2. Gandalf Carlin

    Jo Jo Brandon and Emmanuel Trumpstein are two heads of the same snake?

    It can go eat itself like Ouroboros.

    Evil always consumes itself, that’s why pride and hubris were put there.

    What if Elon named it X in honor of The Greatest American Hero Donald Sutherland?

    He is uncredited in JFK by Oliver Stone as X who gives valuable insider information to Garrett as portrayed by Kevin Costner.

    Not some moldy reheated Bolshevik Q schtick, the real deal.

    It was the start of my awakening from the bubble of delusion.



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