Get your shot

One response to “Get your shot

  1. Colonel Kilgore Trout

    Kinda like Slick in the Big Willie Hutch the Mack soundtrack song, if he doesn’t get you today, he’ll get you tomorrow.

    Mock, scorn, ridicule, any Normsters that fall for this horseshit again.

    It could be bed roll, tent, hit the forest time if it goes full LARP.

    People like living in fear I guess, it adds excitement to their powerless no voice serf taxable unit existence.

    Too dull to say, wait a minute, how did they have a “vaccine” ready already.

    It really is sad how the Devil is in plain sight and the majority sees something else.

    A time of Great Delusion.

    This just in from Mel Brooks:

    The Spanish Inquisition

    [What a show!]


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