How They’ll Make Us Eat Ze Bugs, by Eric Peters

There will be ranch dressing and barbecue sauce available with the crickets, and the liquified maggots make a great protein drink. From Eric Peters at

Well, now we know how they are going to get us to eat ze bugs – and (they hope) take the drugs. They are going to use the excuse of “containing” the bird flu to kill the birds – chickens – and cattle, too. In this way, they’ll have succeeded in reducing the “emissions” of carbon dioxide emanating from the animals we eat – without having to convince us to stop eating meat.

There just won’t be any to eat.

Not for us, that is. The “elite” – as the agglutinators of power who like to use it to control others like to think of themselves – will have all they can eat. Just the same as they have and will continue to have private jets and 10,000 square-foot homes with thousands-of-gallons of liquid hydrocarbon fuels on hand to power their homes and keep their meat cool in the Viking ‘fridges they’ve got that most of us can’t afford – and cook their meat on gas ranges they’ve decided we’re not going to be allowed to have.

Evil can be ingenious. Or at least, devilishly clever. It’s an important distinction. The ingenious invent things that change things for the better; Nikola Tesla is an example of an ingenious man. Elon Musk is an example of a clever man. He knows how to game the system – using Tesla’s name. Tesla understood alternating current and developed practical uses for it it that included literally lighting up the world.

The next clever thing is the same old thing – again. Another “pandemic” – only this time one that requires killing-off poultry flocks and cattle herds rather than staying six feet apart and wearing “masks” to “stop the spread” – though no doubt those things will be back again, too. They are necessary props for the success of the theater. There will be “testing” – so as to generate “cases” – which will be used to impose “masking” – all the rest of it, again.

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One response to “How They’ll Make Us Eat Ze Bugs, by Eric Peters

  1. Neo is the One

    Is that the $25,000 dollar fridge that esteemed apparatchik englightened managerial being Pelosi uses?

    Jo Jo Brandon just loves the ice cream from that one.

    It will be for your health and hygiene, comrade.

    Politburo apparatchiks love you and want to keep you safe.

    I’ll say it again like the Churchill quote, more for them and less for us because there are no infinite resources and there never will be.

    No shirking now or you go to the labor camp.

    Yuri Bezmenov said up to 25 million were in CCCP gulags at any given time.

    He was born into the apparatchik class but had a twinge of conscience (H/T-God) and wanted to warn us before it was too late.

    Sadly we didn’t listen and will now have to learn the hard way?

    Hot Car of the day: Convertible 1968 Camaro red with racing stripes and the louvres on the hood!

    Pappaw worked at Ford for 30+ years after WWII and had one of these.

    This just in from Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Camacho:

    I Know Shit’s Bad With All That Starving And Shit

    (Hecklers Call Him Dumbshit S Carolina Yo!)

    [Dwayne Herbert Shoots SAW MG Into Air]

    Yes we can, si se puede!


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