Just Three Words, by Paul Rosenberg

Living things bring a measure of order to entropy. From Paul Rosenberg at freemansperspective.com:

The statement I’ll be making today is simple… very simple. Nonetheless, I think it’s of tremendous importance. It’s the type of thing that, if kept sufficiently in mind, can revise your mental universe.

It’s the type of thing that makes me want to write, “Meditate on this at least once per day for several years.” This concept can not only revamp you, but could revamp humanity. 

So, here are those three words:

Life reverses entropy.

If that sounds too simple or not entirely clear, no problem; I’ll continue. 

Entropy Versus Life

Entropy (a physics term) is the nature of all inanimate things: rocks, water, air, and so on. These all wind down and wear out eventually. 

Entropy breaks up concentrations of energy and things; it spreads them out till they are all dispersed and everything is a neutral and useless mass.

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One response to “Just Three Words, by Paul Rosenberg

  1. Neo is the One

    The roar of the masses could be farts

    The Minutemen, 1984

    Added to the mental lexicon and anything anti-life is also anti-human.

    Too much of that going on right now as greedy rapacious, more for them and less for us, so called elites suffer no consequences for their forces of evil ways.

    Breaking from Patrick Hernandez:

    Born To Be Alive


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