We Want Information . . . By Eric Peters

Cars these days throw off a lot of data about both the driver and the car. Lots of companies and the government want that data. From Eric Peters at ericpetersautos.com:

Thieves used to have to break into your car to steal things from within it – like the wallet or purse you left inside. Now they can just hack the “cloud” – the place in the ether, wherever that is, where the dealer has put all the information (say it like the disembodied voice in the old BBC series, The Prisoner) it has collected about you, your car . . . and let’s not forget the information your car has collected about you.

Something called CDK Global that almost no one had heard of before the other day – when news broke about the hack – “provides software and cloud-based data storage for automotive dealerships and OEMS,” which create “connections that move automotive retail.”

What all this Kumbaya-talk amounts to is a digitized aggregation of  . . . information. Your information. Continuously updated and back-and-forth’d but most importantly, entirely out of your control.

Or even your awareness.

Before news broke on the 19th about the hack – which involves “nearly 15,000 dealer locations” – it’s doubtful one out of a thousand car owners were aware that CDK was part of their lives. More finely, that CDK had all this information about their lives.

Now, they do.

But will they do about it?

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One response to “We Want Information . . . By Eric Peters

  1. Neo is the One

    Saw viddy about Toyota putting GPS on vehicle and not telling the owner.

    He wasn’t too happy about it.

    Who could ask for anything more.

    There is a Honda ad circa 1979 that is fruity rainbow and got updated, go stick something in your Honda hole.

    Sometimes I got to the store that sells stuff that fell off overturned or jack knifed trucks and I have no email, or sailfawn (telescreen phone) and they get all pissy when I tell them that like all my information belongs to us.

    I will not make any deals with you. I’ve resigned. I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed, or numbered! My life is my own.

    Number Six in the first episode “Arrival” of The Prisoner

    Prisoner: Where am I? No.2: In the Village. Prisoner: What do you want? No.2: Information. Prisoner: Whose side are you on? No.2: That would be telling . We want information. Information. Information. Prisoner: You won’t get it! No.2: By hook or by crook… we will. Prisoner: Who are you? No.2: The new Number Two. Prisoner: Who is Number One? No.2:You are Number Six. Prisoner: I am not a number, I am a free man!

    No.2: [Evil Laugh]


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