Here It Comes, by James Howard Kunstler

There are some important rulings from the Supreme Court this week. From James Howard Kunstler at

“Leftism might actually be noble if their concern for the marginalized wasn’t simply an incidental externality to their seething hatred of the normal and the good.” —David Pivtorak on “X”

Did you entertain feelings of doom during last week’s brain-withering heat-wave? The sheer anxious waiting and wishing for it to end was a nice analog to the stifling psycho-political miasma oppressing this nation — alternately known as the republic (for which we stand) and “our democracy,” as “Joe Biden” likes to style his regime of lawfare, warfare, and garish state-sponsored depravity. Well, rejoice and ring them bells! The political weather is breaking. The week ahead looks like an all-you-can-eat, steam-table banquet of consequence.

     The Supreme Court (SCOTUS) teased last week with an opening round of lesser decisions on bump stocks for rifles, abortion pills for women inconvenienced by motherhood, and a few other interesting cases. The court’s term draws to a close with the end of June. Pending are several cases liable to rattle the windows and shake down the walls.

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One response to “Here It Comes, by James Howard Kunstler

  1. Gandalf Carlin

    In other words watch for the Black and Brown shirts to be out with plenty of room to destroy in case SCROTUS doesn’t rule how they want?

    No wonder the comrades have been wailing and gnashing here lately about the Supremes but who is Diana Ross? (rimshot)

    Lots of prattle on enemedia today about Roe v Wade as it it always 1964 or 1973 for the CPUSA or Democrats.

    Not my comrades and never will be.

    Too bad so sad for the Long Marchers, not everyone wants to burn it all down better.

    Breaking from Sunz Of Man:



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