It won’t be the end of the world, but of Europe, by Lucas Leiroz

Subservience to the U.S. may ultimately mean the end of Europe. From Lucas Leiroz at

War in the East will escalate and bring irreversible consequences for European countries if the EU continues to follow a subservient policy of obedience to NATO.

Since the start of NATO’s proxy war against Russia, Europe still appears to have not understood its role in the conflict. By irrationally adhering to all measures imposed by the U.S., such as unilateral sanctions and unrestricted arms shipments to the Kiev regime, the EU appears increasingly closer to a true collapse, given the negative social circumstances and high security risks. In the end, the European bloc, like Ukraine, is just another proxy in this war.

For obvious reasons, Europe has always been dependent on good relations with Russia to maintain its economic and social well-being and the balance of its regional security architecture. However, European countries seem to have forgotten the basic principles of geopolitics, betting on a futile attempt to “isolate” Russia through irrational sanctions that only harm Europe itself – without generating any impact on the Russian economy.

Without Russian gas, Europe has rapidly deindustrialized, increasing levels of poverty, unemployment and inflation. The most rational thing to do in this type of situation would be to avoid unnecessary spending and invest heavily in economic recovery projects – but, apparently, no European attitude is based on rationality. Instead of acting strategically in pursuit of the best for their people, European decision-makers committed themselves to a policy of systematically supplying weapons to the Ukrainian neo-Nazi regime, spending billions of euros on manufacturing and exporting weapons for the war against Russia.

Obviously, the European people are dissatisfied with so many harmful policies, which is why in the last European elections voters reacted by voting massively for right-wing politicians and parties, trying to find an alternative against the unpopular Russophobic madness of liberal regimes. Retaliating against the popular will, liberal governments are already beginning to take authoritarian measures, such as President Emmanuel Macron, who decided to dissolve the parliament and call for new elections. It is possible that many more similar dictatorial measures will be taken in the near future, which will only further worsen the serious legitimacy crisis of EU member countries.

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One response to “It won’t be the end of the world, but of Europe, by Lucas Leiroz

  1. Sun von Rommel

    Gotterdamerung 2.0?

    This is why failure is not an option in WAR!

    And you don’t declare WAR on vintage USA before they do or invade Russia at the start of summer, do that as soon as the Rasputitsa (rainy season) is over.

    Herr Mustache lost because he bailed out Mussolini in the Balkans, say what you will about Uncle Adi, he never let his comrade Benito down.

    He even had the legendary Kommando Otto Skorzeny rescue him with a Fieseler Storch (STOL), short take off land, plane on a mountain top!

    Even that didn’t stop hung upside down treatment for balcony face man.

    Moscow was in the recon sights and then the coldest winter in 100 years came early.

    God and Lady Nature always get a vote. (H/T)

    If they conscript/press gang and massive losses occur or a disruption in euro version of EBT/Muh Weed/Video Games, open season on the madchens, occurs, the indispensable newcomers will revolt?

    That is a feature to them.


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