Scott Ritter: Israel is being WIPED OUT and the IDF is Losing Big on All Fronts

2 responses to “Scott Ritter: Israel is being WIPED OUT and the IDF is Losing Big on All Fronts

  1. Gandalf Carlin

    An overreaction or there will be no more Israel in ten years quote from Long March comrade Kissinger?

    Relocated to the Heavenly Jerusalem project in Southern Ukraine?

    Put this one in the to mp3 converter for Samizdat and redistribution to sibling, a suburbanite was jamming Alex Jones earlier!

    Love that Laser Vision AJ about Clown Stelter, I see you demon, that sounded like a prophet!

    Ahh…he called it a genocide and brain working weird is the way.

    The historic Brandon Pier honk will slown down the raids?


  2. Pingback: Scott Ritter: Israel is being WIPED OUT and the IDF is Losing Big on All Fronts — Der Friedensstifter

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