the method to malthusian madness, by el gato malo

The good news is that climate change is not going to eradicate humanity, hence we don’t need to implement all sorts of expensive, draconian measures. The bad news is that a substantial number of important people consider that bad news. From el gato malo at

this is not climate science, it’s horror fiction

there is an old expression that states “when people tell you who they are, believe them” and i think this axiom is can be quite sound especially for the denizens of echo chambers when they forget themselves and “say the quiet part out loud.” perhaps one of the most potent amplifiers of this tendency is when they then realize what they have done and seek to “take it back” or “take it down.”

but you guys know how certain internet felines can get about “receipts” and the joy of social media and the reputation economy resides in the fact that consigning your inapposite revelations to the memory hole simply ain’t what it used to be.

so let’s take a look at mister bill mcguire, professor of “geophysical and climate hazards” at university college in london, who has been such a topic of conversation in certain circles, shall we?

as many know, i always like to let people speak in their own words that we may judge them fairly and not by hearsay.

so here is bill from his own website:

keep that “speculative fiction” gobbet in mind as we range onward because i have some questions about just where to draw a line on that and whether or not mr bill can (or chooses to) discern the difference between such fiction and that which he seems wont to present as “fact” like ideas that “climate change causes earthquakes” and this all too predictable gem in the mode of “world ending climate catastrophe always 5-10 years away, since 1963” entitled “seven years to save the planet.”

(published in 2008. oops.)

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One response to “the method to malthusian madness, by el gato malo

  1. Neo is the One

    The Club Of Rome, Maurice Strong, The Fabian Socialists, The Bavarians 1776 or Voldemort, best to not mention as Tupac found out, Charles Darwin, Francis Galton, Tavistock, Langley, the many tentacles of the Hyrda. (H/T-AW)

    It’s the turn of humanity now and I’m not even Mr. Conductor or a philanthropist as there are ones coming up after us and we owe them a left/right boot to the face free existence.

    Breaking from Compton’s Most Wanted:

    They Still Gafflin’ (Instrumental)


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