Four Questions Joe Biden Should Have to Answer in the First Presidential Debate, by Ted Snider

Biden should have to answer a lot more than four questions, but these four are pretty good. From Ted Snider at

On Thursday night, President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump will face each other in the first ever debate between a sitting president and a former president. Given their past performances, there are many questions each should have to answer. Here are four topics on the war in Ukraine that Biden should have to address.

You Knew, So Why Did You Do It?

Biden was aware of warnings from people who knew best that encouraging NATO expansion east was provocative and a dangerous crossing of Russia’s reddest of red lines. He knew because he knew the people who gave the warnings. Robert Gates said that “trying to bring Georgia and Ukraine into NATO was truly overreaching” and that it was “recklessly ignoring what the Russians considered their own vital national interests.” Gates was Secretary of Defense when Biden was vice president and busily midwifing the coup in Ukraine. William Burns said, “Ukrainian entry into NATO is the brightest of all redlines for the Russian elite” and warned that, if NATO expanded to Ukraine, “There could be no doubt that Putin would fight back hard.” Burns is the former ambassador to Russia and currently Biden’s Director of the CIA.

More reckless still, Biden didn’t need to be told by the Russia experts. As the senior Democrat on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, he already knew of the dangers of NATO’s continued eastward expansion. In a 1977 speech, Biden said, “I think the one place that the greatest consternation would be caused in the short term…would be to admit the Baltic States now in terms of NATO-Russian, U.S.-Russian relations. And if there was ever anything that was going to tip the balance…in terms of a vigorous and hostile reaction in Russia—I don’t mean military—it would be that.”

Since Biden knew how seriously Russia viewed NATO expansion eastward as a threat, why did he so uncompromisingly insist on endorsing NATO’s 2008 promise to one day admit Ukraine into NATO and on enforcing NATO’s open door policy? Why, in the weeks before the war, when Russia delivered proposals on security guarantees to the United States demanding no NATO expansion into Ukraine, did the U.S. refuse to even put it on the table for negotiations?

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4 responses to “Four Questions Joe Biden Should Have to Answer in the First Presidential Debate, by Ted Snider

  1. Sun von Rommel

    What day is it?

    Are your Depends in good order?

    Can you have Hamburger on any day and not just Tuesday?

    Can you point out Ukraine on a map?

    This just in from deep thinker Bo Ness Round:

    Will the Russia Derangement Syndrome Derp Staters get us all killed in an ICBM hailstorm?


  2. WHY?? To distract the masses with this to cover-up the covid-eugenics-culling that they were just forced into with the jab mandates and media pressure plan. It’s really not that hard to understand, is it?


  3. It’s all cover-up distraction from the eugenic-culling that they just forced on the masses with the toxic jabs.


  4. Colonel Kilgore Trout

    Trump is swingin and Brandon looks befuddled and had a couple jumblin’ bumblin’ stumblin’ answers.

    DJT looks like the one on stimulants, hip hop instrumentals in the background as two octogenarians battle over who can be Captain Queeg on the USS Tittanica.

    Yawn, snore, Brandon is prattling on about I love muh military and veterans.

    Reading about muh weed farms in OK and others with AK armed truckers and using up all resources and some plastic bag bans now leading to a fee to use them.

    The comrades have that Prince Sadim touch of turning everything to shit.


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