Julian Assange: free at last, but guilty of practicing journalism, by Pepe Escobar

In the end, neither the Americans nor the British had the courage of their own rottenness. From Pepe Escobar at strategic-culture.org:

The ruthless, all-powerful U.S. Intel Apparatus will go no holds barred and take no prisoners to punish anyone, anywhere, who dares to expose imperial crimes.

The United States Government (USG) – under the “rules-based international order” – has de facto ruled that Julian Assange is guilty of practicing journalism.

Edward Snowden had already noted that “when exposing a crime is treated as committing a crime, you are being ruled by criminals.”

Criminals such as Mike “We Lie, We Cheat, We Steal” Pompeo, former Trump Secretary of State, who had planned to kidnap and kill Julian when he was head of the CIA.

The indomitable Jennifer Robinson and Julian’s U.S. lawyer Barry Pollack sum it all up: the United States has “pursued journalism as a crime”.

Julian was forced to suffer an unspeakably vicious Via Crucis because he dared to expose USG war crimes; the inner workings of the U.S. military in their rolling thunder War Of Terror (italics mine) in Afghanistan and Iraq; and – Holy of Holies – he dared to release emails showing the Democratic National Committee (DNC) colluded with the notorious warmongering Harpy Hillary Clinton.

Julian was subjected to relentless psychological torture, and nearly crucified for publishing facts that should always remain invisible to public opinion. That’s what top-notch journalism is all about.

The whole drama teaches the whole planet everything one needs to know about the absolute control of the Hegemon over pathetic UK and EU.

And that bring us to the kabuki that may – and the operative word is “may” – be closing the case. Title of the twisted morality play: ‘Plead Guilty or Die in Jail’.

The final twist in the plot line of the morality play runs like this: the combo behind the cadaver in the White House realized that torturing an Australian journalist and publisher in a maximum security U.S. prison in an electoral year was not exactly good for business.

At the same time the British establishment was begging to be excluded from the plot – as its “justice” system was forced by the Hegemon to keep an innocent man and family father hostage for 5 years, in abysmal conditions, in the name of protecting a basket of Anglo-American intel secrets.

In the end, the British establishment quietly applied all the pressure it could muster to run towards the exit – in full knowledge of what the Americans were planning for Julian.

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4 responses to “Julian Assange: free at last, but guilty of practicing journalism, by Pepe Escobar

  1. Pingback: Julian Assange: free at last, but guilty of practicing journalism, by Pepe Escobar — Der Friedensstifter

  2. Pingback: Increasing World Madness Sampler Edition 6/27 – Western Rifle Shooters Association

  3. Neo is the One

    Didn’t Putin get some uranium from fellow traveler Hillary?

    I like this journalism thing where the comfortable get afflicted, they are like detectives, the only fuzz I respect.

    State stenographer lackeys always back patting at shindigs about how loyal they are as weak sauce lickspittles and bootlickers aren’t cool.

    Assange has that rebel with a cause vibe that never gets old or outdated…just ask Marlon Brando.

    Breaking from the Great Frank Zappa:

    I’m The Slime

    [A Song About Teevee, Gov and Enemedia]


  4. Assange has been released to the penal colony of Australia, a collection of petty dictatorships, inhabited by disarmed waiting-to-be-felons, and governed by squads of woke Karens. At least he’s not rotting in a British jail, with all the moslems. The British, tired of killing Irish, now, they’re killing themselves. Assange is a message to all of us. Mess with Leviathan, and it’ll destroy you. Just read Takimag, and his take on the debate tonight. I agree. White people are the most put upon and reviled of all voters, and even the supposed savior of Rome, Trumph, will not say a few words in their praise or defense. And that’s how Trump will lose an election, again. Each candidate is trying to outdo the other in demonstrative love of blacks and hispanics. The dems will steal it again anyway, or eliminate Trump. Or both. The various demographics will continue to eat away at what was a live America, rotting flesh being the favorite of zombies. Still, I’m happy about Assange. Zeit verfliegt.


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