murthy v missouri ruling, by el gato malo

An atrocious ruling from the Supreme Court, reviewed by el gato malo at

a bad day for SCOTUS, a worse day for the rest of us

SCOTUS handed down a 6-3 opinion in the murthy v missouri case about internet and media censorship by proxy. the federal government and agencies were pressuring social media companies to suppress content and speakers and to deplatform (and even decatform) those with whom it disagreed. the state’s track record of being wrong on virtually every example and purveying the very disinformation it professed to seek to stifle speaks for itself. this seemed like it ought be a clear cut matter. but the ruling did not go our way.

i have not read it all yet nor have i read the (by many popular accounts) blistering dissent by alito, thomas, and gorsuch but as this is near and dear to many of team toxo’s hearts and to many gatopals™ like jay who were actual plaintiffs here, i’d like to lay out some thoughts so far.

the case was not decided on merits but rather the technicality of “standing” arguing, in essence, that those bringing suit had no basis for asking that the government be enjoined from censoring them and or/advocating for such because they could not prove a direct link to any injury.

this is a dire and dangerous standard and a craven one to boot.

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2 responses to “murthy v missouri ruling, by el gato malo

  1. Sun von Rommel

    All your social media are belong to us?

    Good, good.

    Enjoy your lame everyone must think the same controlled hive.

    Actually it belongs to them once you hit enter so choose wisely.

    That is what the control freaks want, egalitarian equity right down to food ingredients.

    Engels was often described as a man with a very strong libido and not much restraint. … With the elimination of social classes based on property, the state becomes obsolete and a communist society, at least in the eyes of Engels, is achieved.

    Got National Bolshevism?


  2. Colonel Kilgore Trout

    Reading that Criminals In Action under comrade kommissar Pompeo (UNI) planning to kill Julian coming out in court is one reason he was let go with time served and a plea of guilty.

    SCROTUS threw out the immunity of the Sacklers who made opiates, know some people with actual injuries, who can’t function without them, and now they are really hard to get.

    AIPAC spent over $14 million shekels to defeat esteemed CPUSA (D) party member comrade kommissar Jamaal Bowman for noticing and speaking out about Gazacide.

    Not some Bulgaria x Romania pages, some of them there conservative Washington General pages still stuck on a civilized society that has been Fundamentally Transformed by the Frankfurt School Long March and useful idiots.

    Don’t act like limey poofters!

    The only rules in WAR are destroy your enemies by any means necessary and survive.

    Sad trombone for those who think that the hairy bulging SCROTUS of muh demockracy is going to save anything.

    Savior self.


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