The Inflection Point of Putin’s “Evil Empire” Speech, by Joe Katzman

One day the West is going to bitterly regret not listening to Putin when it had the chance. From Joe Katzman at

(Originally published October 12, 2022.)

I prefer to focus on building the good rather than identifying the bad. But there is also a place for understanding what is happening in the world. (“Wise as serpents, innocent as doves.”) This piece, written by one of my friends, is serious, far-reaching analysis. It is especially important as we pivot into a different world than we’ve known. Retain whatever quibbles you like, but read this and understand it.

By Joe Katzman

We live in historic times – and part of the change is that you cannot depend on western media for anything. At all. Vladimir Putin’s recent speech, which Russia is starting to back with real action, is a perfect example.

If you want to understand the world, part of that regimen requires reading in full what key leaders around the world are saying. It’s very doable. Whether you believe them or like them or not, they say these things for particular audiences. Outside the West, such politicians often have specific geopolitical goals in mind. So read the speeches yourself; don’t depend on some uneducated millennial working for starvation wages and scraps of bootlicking status in some Brooklyn dump.

No head of state is as critical as Vladimir Putin, for obvious reasons – though below the head of state level, you must also pay focused attention to Sergey Glazyev and Wang Huning if you want to understand the current Asian Heartlands Crystalization. Sadly, Wang Huning is opaque now, except through the books he wrote while he was in America during the 1990s (spoiler: he concluded that it was all coming down, before he went back home to guide China’s modern strategy). Unlike Glazyev, he’s too Confucian to give interviews, so:

Back to Putin. His speeches since the Ukrainian front burst into kinetic war have been historic, successively heralding the end of the unipolar western order that has dominated the world for the last 500 years. Those speeches have landed with greater and greater credibility as concrete and consequential actions back those words. For those who thought he was just blustering and bloviating, because our politicians believe they can literally cast word spells and change reality… I trust that you’ve been disabused of that notion by now.

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2 responses to “The Inflection Point of Putin’s “Evil Empire” Speech, by Joe Katzman

  1. Neo is the One

    Wang headed off Francis Fukuyama at the pass?


    I love people who are way ahead of the curve, that look mad or insane to those who just love the status quo and their servitude.

    Even the fabulous (/s) Morrissey has the America You Are Not The World song.

    One day we’ll learn that lesson the hard way?

    Didn’t Karl “Turd Blossom” Rove start that we make our own reality horseshit?

    Hopefully the AINO/FUSA will upgrade from kindergarten coloring books and Underoos and pajamas make me magic mindset but don’t count on it.

    Breaking from Sleaford Mods:

    Tramp Stamps And Trendy Bollocks


  2. Pingback: The Inflection Point of Putin’s “Evil Empire” Speech, by Joe Katzman — Der Friedensstifter

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