There are stupid questions after all

h/t el gato malo

2 responses to “There are stupid questions after all

  1. Neo is the One

    How they rock with this always doing whatever the F’ they want.

    Cats have it figured out. (H/T)

    If I’m ever homeless I’ll just write FREE on a cardboard box piece! (s/)

    I kid, running with the cats will be the way.

    Wednesday Morale Uber Alles with best teevee news bloopers, a jogger is mugging for the camera and the reporter gives the details of the appearance of a robbery suspect, he looks at his shirt, makes stunned face and starts running!

    All kinds of double entendre comments that would get the local AM shock jocks fined, actually they do get fined as Harold the Brain told me and I was shocked.

    I’m here all week and throw some shekels in the busking case after your request.

    This just in from the great Eddie C. Campbell:

    Still A Fool

    (I Wish I Was A Catfish Intro!)


  2. Gandalf Carlin

    Awesome black cat on early AM Area Study guarding the sidewalk!

    Placing some chicken and steak scraps from supper where it frequents lately and placed some chicken breast scraps at the far edge of last food crop field where I have seen it.

    Never had a black cat yet but professor bud had one named Smoky, it passed face down in the food bowl and we said well at least it wasn’t hungry and buried it out back.

    His dad was a high ranking Meefrason and saw some interesting degrees books on shelf, he said you can read but don’t commandeer or abscond with as that was his remembrance of pappy.

    Learned all of my PC tricks from him and the Oracle who was blind, he called me Sighty!

    Thank You God for all great moments and friends on the path.


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