Why Won’t the US Help Negotiate a Peaceful End to the War in Ukraine? By Jeffrey Sachs

Jeffrey Sachs is one of the few people in the upper strata of American life who has a lick of common sense. From Sachs at antiwar.com:

For goodness’ sake, negotiate!

Reprinted from CommonDreams.

For the fifth time since 2008, Russia has proposed to negotiate with the U.S. over security arrangements, this time in proposals made by President Vladimir Putin on June 14, 2024. Four previous times, the U.S. rejected the offer of negotiations in favor of a neocon strategy to weaken or dismember Russia through war and covert operations. The U.S. neocon tactics have failed disastrously, devastating Ukraine in the process, and endangering the whole world. After all the warmongering, it’s time for Biden to open negotiations for peace with Russia.

Since the end of the Cold War, the U.S. grand strategy has been to weaken Russia. As early as 1992, then Defense Secretary Richard Cheney opined that following the 1991 demise of the Soviet Union, Russia too should be dismembered. Zbigniew Brzezinski opined in 1997 that Russia should be divided into three loosely confederated entities in Russian Europe, Siberia, and the far east. In 1999, the U.S.-led NATO alliance bombed Russia’s ally, Serbia, for 78 days in order to break Serbia apart and install a massive NATO military base in breakaway Kosovo. Leaders of the U.S. military-industrial complex vociferously supported the Chechen war against Russia in the early 2000s.

To secure these U.S. advances against Russia, Washington aggressively pushed NATO enlargement, despite promises to Mikhail Gorbachev and Boris Yeltsin that NATO would not move one inch eastward from Germany. Most tendentiously, the U.S. pushed NATO enlargement to Ukraine and Georgia, with the idea of surrounding Russia’s naval fleet in Sevastopol, Crimea with NATO states: Ukraine, Romania (NATO member 2004), Bulgaria (NATO member 2004), Turkey (NATO member 1952), and Georgia, an idea straight from the playbook of the British Empire in the Crimean War (1853-6).

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One response to “Why Won’t the US Help Negotiate a Peaceful End to the War in Ukraine? By Jeffrey Sachs

  1. Gandalf Carlin

    They never got over the Cold War?

    The skullcaps who own AINO/FUSA have delusions of von Clausewitz x Sun Tzu?

    There are some people left alive in 404 and Gaza?

    Inquiring minds want to know.

    This just in from Gordon Gekko Wall Street 1987:

    Democracy? & Greed Is Good



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