Pumping and Dumping Vaccines, by A Midwestern Doctor

You never knew that the pharmaceutical industry and Wall Street had so much in common. From A Midwestern Doctor at midwesterndoctor.com:

Dissecting the predatory business model we are all subjected to

As one gains a broader view of the world, they gain the appreciation for the fact people will do the same things again and again regardless of the era.

Within the context of medicine, I’ve in turn tried to make the case that rather than the best existing scientific evidence dictating how medicine is practiced (e.g., the standard of care) much of it instead is a result of business considerations. This I believe is due three things:

•Those with the most influence in healthcare have personalities that consistently place profits over people.

•Most human beings lack the ability to perceive everything around them, so they typically default to selectively filtering for the aspects of reality which (consciously or unconsciously) hold value to them. I believe much of money’s “power” comes from the fact it often serves as the primarily filter people use to navigate a complex web of information, and hence “whatever makes the most money” often ends up being the basis for the decisions they make—which can be immensely frustrating for people working under bureaucrats who make finances the bottom line.
Note: I also think this is why money so corrosive to the human soul, as adopting its filter effectively takes away your free will and ability to make the most fulfilling decision each situation presents you with the opportunity for. Likewise, I also despise how easy financial incentives make it to manipulate the public into doing things that go against their own self-interests.

•People are creatures of habit, so if something worked for them (or others) in the past, they will typically copy it rather than innovating a better approach.

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One response to “Pumping and Dumping Vaccines, by A Midwestern Doctor

  1. Even when those things are obsolete and don’t work anymore?

    Awww yeaa.

    The cows have the bird flu?

    That’s a nice food supply you have there, be a shame if anything happened to it.

    Dissent and resistance is awfully hard on an empty stomach.

    Here is your mandatory vaccine, comrade, wash it down with Brawndo and fweedom fwies.

    Breaking from Cypress Hill:

    Real Estate (Instrumental)

    [Hands On The Pump B-Side]


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