The Day Democracy Died in California, by Edward Ring

California voters have no say in how they will be taxed, which means that leaving the state is the only way to escape its rapacious government. From Edward Ring at

The Taxpayer Protection Act, a product of private grassroots groups, is dead. And with it, direct democracy – California’s last, best hope – is also dead.

On June 20, the California Supreme Court ruled that the Taxpayer Protection Act, a ballot initiative that would have given voters veto power over new taxes, was a violation of the state constitution. The initiative, for which proponents had already gathered nearly 1.5 million signatures to qualify it for the ballot, was a desperate attempt by taxpayers and businesses to get California’s state and local government spending under control.

The court decision hinged on whether the initiative’s language constituted a “revision” of the state’s constitution or an “amendment.” The answer to this question is subjective and hinges on the “totality of the impact on the basic constitutional powers of government entities.” Ignoring ample contradictory evidence and precedent, the court decided that the changes proposed by the initiative were sufficiently sweeping to categorize it as a revision to the state constitution, and unlike amendments, revisions to the state constitution are only possible if the initiative is brought to voters by an act of the state legislature.

Thus, the Taxpayer Protection Act, which was a product of private grassroots groups, is dead. And with it, direct democracy – California’s last, best hope – is also dead.

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One response to “The Day Democracy Died in California, by Edward Ring

  1. Hory Shet!

    They killed the Golden Goose?

    Visited as a lil’ Shaver in the 80’s and still the all-time best road trip besides Colorado I ten years ago.

    Then they [comrades] moved over there like locusts to Fundamentally Transform what used to be a Red State.

    The [fictional] home of the Calumet Wolverines which was actually filmed in New Mexico.

    Who will pay for all the free stuff?

    Hollywood? More for them less for us (H/T-GC) is their default setting as they “nudge” degeneracy.

    Most movies are now made in Canada, Georgia, UK, due to the better tax rates.

    Ain’t nobody got time (H/T-SB) for their weak woke turds so that revenue won’t be what it once was.

    Love that Sabo (H/T) artwork of Hair Gel Newsome ripping his face mask away and it’s a lizard!

    Hat tip to any freedom lovers behind CCP/CPUSA enemy lines and to FAM not seen since the 80’s

    An uncle went there in early 1960’s and struck a Gold Rush as a restaurant owner, offspring didn’t have the entrepreneurial spirit and it didn’t work out but always worth a try to gain new experience, one went into Diesel Trucking, the other working for the movie studios, cosmetics, hair and makeup.

    Breaking from Cypress Hill:

    Tequila Sunrise (Instrumental)


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