The Last Wunderwaffe, by William Schryver

Is the U.S. setting itself up for a far bigger disaster in Ukraine than anything it’s experienced so far? From William Schryver at

F-16 Elephant Walk

F-16s, Romanian bases, and NATO pilots

I shall return yet again to the prospect of “Made in the USA” F-16s sallying forth boldly into eastern Ukraine to “teach the cabbage heads what Airpower (capitalized) really means.”

From what information I’ve been able to glean in recent weeks, it does in fact look as though the US is aggressively setting up air ops housekeeping in Romania, very near the Black Sea coast — ostensibly to serve as the base of F-16 operations against Russia.

I submit that the preparation of this base is implicit proof that they have long-since assembled and, likely for many months, been honing the skills and teamwork of a few squadrons of “NATO-affiliated contractor pilots” — and the plan must be to use them.

You see, if the “true plan” were to put a dozen woefully undertrained Ukrainian apprentice kamikazes behind the wheel of 1980s vintage F-16s, and then wave them off on a glorious one-way mission into the wild blue yonder … well, you don’t need much of a logistical hub for that operation.

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One response to “The Last Wunderwaffe, by William Schryver

  1. Sun von Rommel

    How many did the Taliban have?

    F-16’s against modern MiGs and Sukhoi?

    Who will fly them?

    Don’t tell them they’ll be seriously outmatched and outnumbered and almost all the ground to air stations have radar.

    A Stealth was shot down in Yugoslavia (?) 1999 by an air defense missile station with radar and it wasn’t East German (s/) equipment as G. Gordon Liddy used to say.

    Oh…they want them KIA and want to charge full price for some Top Gun 86 vintage birds, then it all makes dollars and cents.

    Remember when Germany won the war with Wunder and Vergeltungs (Vengeance) Waffen…oh wait.

    Something to do with no fuel and no capable pilots.

    Breaking from Cypress Hill:

    Illusions (Harpischord Mix)


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