The State of The State, by Joel Bowman

If you really want to sin big time, you’ll have to go into politics. From Joel Bowman at

“The most important thing to remember is that inflation is not an act of God, that inflation is not a catastrophe of the elements or a disease that comes like the plague. Inflation is a policy.”

~ Ludwig von Mises from the book Economic Policy: Thoughts for Today and Tomorrow, a work based on six lectures delivered by Mises at the University of Buenos Aires in 1958

In today’s Note, we check in on what we’ve been calling “The Greatest Political Experiment of Our Time.” But first…

At 9 p.m. (EST) this evening, tens of millions of citizens in the most powerful nation in history will tune in to watch two of their fellow mammals debate the future of their beloved country. 

One alleged Republican. One so-called Democrat. And a conspicuous (some might even say “undemocratic”) lack of Independent candidates. 

Between them, the aged bipeds have walked the planet for nigh on 160 years. Both have their conceits and vanities, their shortcomings and petty grievances. Both threaten to “lock up” their political opponents. Both enjoy spending other people’s money (Trump added $8.4 trillion to the national debt during his first term… Biden stacked on another $4.3 trillion in Obama’s third…) And both indulge, to varying degrees, what we might call an “open relationship” with the truth. 

But as far as we know, each man puts his trousers on one leg at a time. Neither one walked on water.. neither shot the moon on a winged horse… neither removed a chocolate stain from a white linen cushion.

For all their faults and foibles, they are human, in other words… all too human. But then, aren’t we all? 

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One response to “The State of The State, by Joel Bowman

  1. Neo is the One

    Didn’t Obama (The ONE!) feed the 5000 fishes and loaves? (/s)

    The state is always out to enrich itself and expand power along the lines of the first sentence of the Pump and Dump post of always doing the same thing and they aren’t insane as Einstein said, they don’t seek a new result.

    A necessary evil because the hive fears self-reliance and autonomy or as the Snowden movie spook said…the people don’t want freedom?

    Fweedom Fwies, Pepsi vs. Coke, I must be smart I have a telescreen or cellphone, team red vs. team blue, are the preferred delusions and as Gustave LeBon said, anyone who tries to break them free of illusions will be the victim.

    Also regarding the Pump and Dump, the Codex Alimentarius will seek to control supplements and OTC health items in the Control Grid Matrix.

    This just in from Cypress Hill:

    Insane In The Brain (Instrumental)


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