Murdering America, by Robert Gore

There are many ways to murder; depravity encounters no limits to its diabolical designs. A dramatic staple: a trusted friend or relative administers gradually increasing quantities of an undetectable poison as a formerly vigorous victim inexplicably wastes, withers and finally succumbs. An unsuspecting or corrupt coroner closes the case, official cause of death a long illness. The murderer gets the estate, until the decedent’s devoted fill-in-the-blank starts asking questions and nosing around, suspicion mounts, and the heinous homicide is exposed.

Such will be the plot line when the story is written of America’s murder. In its prime, the victim met every challenge. After a devastating and ruinous war against itself, America built the world’s most prosperous economy, providing opportunities and better lives for millions. Full of ambition and energy, America became a hotbed of innovation and an industrial powerhouse, the nation that gave birth to the terms “consumer,” “middle class,” and their essential antecedent, “the work ethic.”

“Ah,” said the first phalanx of America’s Grima Wormtongues, “all that exuberance and activity can’t be good for you. Sit a spell and we’ll bring you soup and hot tea. And here’s a blanket against the chill.” An America that wasn’t sick in the least, nor chilled, mistook deadly solicitousness for genuine concern. With a boisterous indifference to the finer points of etiquette, it slurped the poisoned soup and tea.

The likes of Theodore Roosevelt claimed that peace and prosperity were enervating; imperial domination was the key to ruddy good health. J.P. Morgan, John D. Rockefeller, and a host of other worthies argued that America couldn’t survive without a central bank, elastic money, and an income tax, although without them it had thrived for decades. Woodrow Wilson said that jumping into a European war was just what America needed, and threw those who disputed his diagnosis (or resisted his draft) into jail. Liberty was always the disease; government was always the cure.

Murder by poison requires gradually increasing doses, which is what America got during the Great Depression and World War II. It was no longer assumed that the world’s healthiest and most robust economy could recover from a head cold on its own. Hoover and Roosevelt administered higher taxes, deficit spending, unprecedented expansion of the regulatory state, and crony capitalism, all blessed by the quackery of Keynesian economics. War—the health of the state and the death of its citizens—required still higher taxes, more debt, and the government’s virtual control of the economy. A head cold was turned into a wasting illness, one which of course elicited still more solicitude from the government’s care givers, who were in peak condition.

In his most optimistic fantasies, Theodore Roosevelt couldn’t have foreseen the US government’s preeminence and empire after the deadliest war in history. But a return to that enervating peace and prosperity would not be allowed. The communists and then the terrorists supposedly threatened global domination and the American way of life. The military-industrial-intelligence complex would ensure the nation’s ruddy good health with continuous intervention around the globe and an ever-expanding surveillance state at home. Unfortunately, only the MIIC would enjoy that ruddy good health. In fact, judging from his corpulence, the old boy has enjoyed himself way more than he should have.

The vitality and spirit, the risk-taking, ingenuity, individuality, integrity, and innovation, the get up and go that powered American greatness have been replaced with a warm blanket, stay-in-bed lassitude, a desire for comfort, safety, and security without effort, something for nothing. No need to get up, you poor dear, there shouldn’t be any connection between what one produces and what one receives. You couldn’t possibly survive this harsh world on your own. The dwindling few who do are duty-bound to support the rest of us. So goes the maudlin, mawkish, and utterly self-serving bleating of the unproductive acolytes of coerced altruism who stock the wet nurse, sob sister, and nanny state departments of government, media, and academia.

Freedom is a danger in your troubled condition, our solicitous minders counsel. Less of it, always less of it, will cure what ails you. More taxes more regulation, more intrusion; let us mind the economy and those far away wars in countries you can’t find on a map; give up your notions of honor and decency, control of your life, your children’s minds, and anything else—like those nasty guns—that you still have and cherish; give it all up. You don’t need any of that, you need to rest and stare at electronic screens. Aren’t those kittens cute? Take your pills and eat your meals, snacks, and desserts. It’s a scary, scary world out there, but we’ll take care of you…and ourselves. Stay in your safe space.

Obesity is the apt symbol of our age: physical—an epidemic; mental—social media staring and sharing for hours on end; fiscal—the bloated debt; political—Washington, D.C. Those who murder by poison have done quite well for themselves, but the victim is in extremis, drowning in his own drool, crushed by his own fat. President Obama may represent the final and fatal dose, or he may be the deus ex machina that prompts the patient’s last-second realization that something is dreadfully amiss, rousting him to take action against his would be killers. Newly animated by righteous anger, the victim springs from his putative death bed, flushes the poisons down the toilet, and tells his tormentors to go to hell.

This may seem melodramatic, but it’s precisely what needs to be done. Government feeds America its poisons, and a little less or variation in the dosages does nothing, except perhaps prolong the death watch. This is the nation whose citizens fought a revolution for its freedom; initiated a dramatic experiment in representative and limited government, the protection of individual rights, and equality before the law; eliminated its shameful slavery; powered the Industrial Revolution’s explosion of innovation and progress and the Information Revolution’s transformation of computing and communications. The idea that this nation requires the malignant mercies of an all-knowing, all-caring, all-powerful government would have been loathsome and repugnant to those Americans.

The hour is late, but perhaps not too late. There are obvious stirrings. America may not realize that it’s been poisoned, or the identities of its poisoners, or the poisons used, but it’s not quite ready for last rites. Now is the time for those who us have helplessly and hopelessly watched it wither to expose the homicidal criminality of the maggots who would feast upon its corpse. They must go to hell, and take their poisons with them. The rest of us have detritus to clean up, problems to solve, a country to rebuild, and further pinnacles of progress to surmount; none of which is beyond our powers.


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21 responses to “Murdering America, by Robert Gore

  1. Pingback: SLL: Murdering America | Western Rifle Shooters Association

  2. Centurion_Cornelius

    Blockbuster stuff, Robert! Spot on. Throw the bums out and put our shoulders to the wheel. Not going to easy, it will take years, but it’s do-able.


  3. Pingback: Murdering America — STRAIGHT LINE LOGIC | Eatgrueldog

  4. “Wherever the standard of freedom and independence has been or shall be unfurled, there will her heart, her benedictions and her prayers be. But she goes not abroad in search of monsters to destroy. She is the well-wisher to the freedom and independence of all. She is the champion and vindicator only of her own. She will recommend the general cause, by the countenance of her voice, and the benignant sympathy of her example.”
    John Adams, then SoS, delivered July 4, 1821

    The globalist NeoCons have to go. I was born in 1951 and I can list that this country has been either in a war, action, or other hell hole ever since. Its not that we need the rest, though it would be welcomed, but that by and large of late, our blood and treasure losses have been for naught. A new course is in need of consideration.


  5. Pingback: Murdering America « Financial Survival Network

  6. LadyRavenSDC

    drdog09 – “A new course is in need of consideration.”
    Unfortunately we have been in the stage of “consideration” for far, far too long. It is now time for action.

    We are not all that much different than the Germans – 1933-45


  7. Walter Estep

    If you haven’t already, team up with the crew at Check out their Operations Manual, Fear the People. Love your writing.


  8. peter connor

    Beautifully written. I recall a statistic that only 15% of drug addicts ever recover to something approaching normality, and reckon it’s going to be about the same here, but 15% can do it.


  9. Well said sir,well said.
    There’s a chance we may yet be able to return to something resembling individual freedom in this country-but it’s not real likely that we’ll vote our way out of this mess.
    There seems to be more people ‘waking up”-which is a good thing,but not nearly enough see government,excessive regulation,and excessive taxation as problems.


  10. “Liberty was always the disease; government was always the cure.” Entirely correct, as far as it goes – which is not far enough towards the fundamental issue: The independent, rational mind is always the disease; obedience is always the cure. In light of this, it should be clear that a widely touted antidote is merely a different compounding of the same essential poison.


    • Like I said above, nobody said it would be easy. We may try and fail, but if we don’t try, we assuredly fail.


  11. Reblogged this on The way I see things … and commented:
    “Freedom is a danger in your troubled condition, our solicitous minders counsel. Less of it, always less of it, will cure what ails you. More taxes more regulation, more intrusion; let us mind the economy and those far away wars in countries you can’t find on a map; give up your notions of honor and decency, control of your life, your children’s minds, and anything else—like those nasty guns—that you still have and cherish; give it all up. You don’t need any of that, you need to rest and stare at electronic screens. Aren’t those kittens cute? Take your pills and eat your meals, snacks, and desserts. It’s a scary, scary world out there, but we’ll take care of you…and ourselves. Stay in your safe space.”


  12. Preemptive Offender

    Someone has to say this:

    This is the nation whose citizens fought a revolution for its freedom…

    But we are not those men.

    …initiated a dramatic experiment in representative and limited government, the protection of individual rights, and equality before the law…

    But we are not those men either.

    …eliminated its shameful slavery…

    We are certainly not those men.

    …powered the Industrial Revolution’s explosion of innovation and progress and the Information Revolution’s transformation of computing and communications.

    A bare few of us can claim to be any of those men.

    We are a degenerate people. Ours is a degenerate age. We lack pride, confidence, courage of conviction, and any sense for what is real and true and enduring. We were bred for our fetters…and few of us even have the force of will to demand that our chains be struck off. We haven’t even the clarity to recognize and name the destroyers admitted to our midst.

    Do not expect a revolution. Do not expect a swelling of resistance to oppression. Do not expect that a people so long and thoroughly conditioned to submission before arbitrary authority will suddenly become a race of heroes.

    What’s that? You say that it must not be? You demand that we defy so many decades of precedent? You are certain that somewhere in our souls there must remain a spark of nobility, sufficient to ignite the fires that a century and more of statist subjugation have banked?

    Good luck.


    • LadyRavenSDC

      No further proof needed to validate your commentary than a cold, clear eyed look at Burns, Oregon. America stood down as was suggested by those I never expected to hear those words from.


  13. We will require men and women of blood and iron.


  14. God’s blessings upon your house sir.
    The Patient has been dying for some time, since we began the long road of kicking God out of schools, government, and the public square. What did we expect? For when you kick out that which is greater than we, what is left but the Animal in Man…
    We have said for some time, regardless of whether we support him or not, that a Last Trump has been blowing in the whirlwind of perfidy blown by the Elites. Is this some foreshadowing of the Last Trump of God blowing in the wind? Methinks God uses the weird, and the unpopular men for His purposes and regardless of whether or not he wins, he is on a Godly mission. Not because he is a Godly pious man, oh no, for I believe in the bottom of my soul that The Donald loves America, this is what We See with our souls, not our eyes or ears. Yes, his trump blows with a message and a purpose, and that message is;



  15. daddy warbucks

    Is the conversation about to change? Between the Brexit and Trump along with ‘Skull and Bones’ now getting exposed, the NWO crowd may have to do something drastic and soon:

    Obama Plans a “RED WEDDING” for America

    OBAMA gives the ” 2 FINGER salute” To ALL AMERICANS

    Obama Mocks Us Again!!!WOW

    Although Kleck’s assertion in a past video that the 1st and 2nd Temples were destroyed also on 9/11 may be mistaken (11th of AV, Hebrew; AV is the 5th month, not the 9th according to other sources) and Kleck says Revelation 18:15 (below) is NYC and “her burning” refers to the Statue of Liberty, but Shoebat has another much more convincing argument that it is referring to Mecca, Arabia and the Kaaba, the weirdness of these Obama videos along with too many numerical and symbolic cross references to be coincidental, together with the timing of so many things geopolitical and geological coming together may indicate something big is coming.


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