THE MOST IMPORTANT ELECTION OF ALL TIME: Notes From The Edge Of The Narrative Matrix, by Caitlin Johnstone

Meet the new boss; same as the old boss. From Caitlin Johnstone at

The 2024 presidential election will be THE MOST IMPORTANT ELECTION OF ALL TIME, because if Americans don’t make the correct choice between the two candidates something terrible might happen to their country. The US might even turn into an abusive totalitarian dystopia where everyone’s mind is controlled by propaganda engineered to shape them into unthinking…

The 2024 presidential election will be THE MOST IMPORTANT ELECTION OF ALL TIME, because if Americans don’t make the correct choice between the two candidates something terrible might happen to their country. The US might even turn into an abusive totalitarian dystopia where everyone’s mind is controlled by propaganda engineered to shape them into unthinking gear-turners for a globe-spanning empire.

People on one side of the partisan divide are being trained to fear a future fascist takeover. 

People on the other side are being trained to fear a future communist takeover. 

Both sides are being trained to overlook the oligarchic totalitarian takeover that has already occurred.

Three things are certain when there’s a major international conflict:

1. The western empire will be involved, and on the wrong side.

2. The western media will insist the empire is on the right side.

3. Westerners will tell you, “You don’t get it! THIS time we’re the GOOD GUYS!”

It always gets spun as “supporting Russia” to say the US and its allies provoked the war in Ukraine, but that’s moronic. You don’t have to support Russia at all to acknowledge the well-documented ways the US empire provoked and sustains this war to advance its own agendas. You can hate Putin with all your heart, mind, body and soul and still acknowledge those extensively documented and glaringly obvious facts. Spinning the acknowledgement of obvious facts as sinister support for a foreign government is done solely to prevent criticism of our own rulers.

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