Did House Republicans and Democrats Commit Treason, Again? By Joseph Sansone

You have to get down in the weeds of the TikTok legislation to realize how it would eliminate whatever is left of our civil liberties. From Joseph Sansone at josephsansone.substack.com:

A common denominator of all totalitarian societies is that they censor information. They label it heretical or misinformation, and simply prohibit its distribution. Up until 2020, this was something associated with countries like North Korea, Communist China, the former Soviet Union, NAZIs, and oppressive countries around the world. The West cherished its tradition of free thought and the free exchange of ideas. It appears today, this tradition of freedom of speech, is being targeted.

This European rebirth of civilization, with the spread of classical knowledge, amplified the force of individual liberty in Western Civilization. The somewhat uniquely Western concept of freedom of consciousness that was forged in the Dark Ages and Medieval Ages, in the tug of war between ecclesiastical and secular authorities, had a platform for expression in the mass production of books. 

In the 1400s Gutenberg’s printing press revolutionized the Western World. The invention of the printing press made books more readily available spurring an age of information and decentralization of knowledge, essentially giving birth to a new broader marketplace of ideas. This history changing invention coincided with the fall of Constantinople and the collapse of what was left of the Eastern Roman Empire. The exodus of classical manuscripts from Constantinople to Rome spurred the Italian Renaissance and the broader European Renaissance.

In the 1990s and early 2000s the internet was viewed in many ways like Gutenberg’s invention. It spurred an information revolution that was a force for decentralization of information comparable to the printing press. It wasn’t just that information could be easily shared across the planet, it was also revolutionary, because anyone could establish a website, become a publisher of that information, and share that information across the planet.

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One response to “Did House Republicans and Democrats Commit Treason, Again? By Joseph Sansone

  1. Neo is the One

    I’m glad mommygov keeps me safe.

    This information would shatter my fragile eggshell mind.

    Please hold my hand and take away all the variables in life mommygov, yes we can!

    Peace and safety uber alles as enlightened apparatchik beings build Wakanda.

    I approve all sarcastic messages.


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