ketanji brown and the template of doom, by el gato malo

Justice Brown is worried that the First Amendment will get in the way of the government. In other words, it will do exactly what it was designed to do. From el gato malo at

trading literally everything for “a little safety”

a lot of people seem disappointed by the outing that murthy v missouri (formerly missouri v biden) had at SCOTUS yesterday, and perhaps for good reason. this is an incredibly important case, perhaps the most important first amendment case our our generation. at issue is whether the government can bully, prod, or require that social media ban or censor speech. do they get to decide what can and cannot be spoken in the modern day public square? because this is obviously their intent and they have been up to their necks in it for years.

i asked a gatopal™ close to the case about this and he said he was disappointed in the way our side did not make a sufficient case that the government got everything wrong all covid and used censorship to hide it.

as one of the ones who was decatformed for being right, this really hits home for me. so many of us were just following data, presenting results, checking one another, and allowing ourselves to be checked, but none of it mattered. only the answers mattered and if the answer was not to federal liking, defenestration from casa del bluebird followed.

and it was not just covid. it was election lies, laptops, woke and riots and DEI. you name it, phalanxes of censors decided if you could say it. when elon fired 70% of twitter, he was not firing anyone useful. he was firing the censorship industrial complex.

but the a greater problem here is not “the censors were wrong” or “the censors lied” it’s that anyone granted them this frame to begin with where “maybe it would be OK so long as it served a good purpose.”

because it isn’t OK.


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One response to “ketanji brown and the template of doom, by el gato malo

  1. Neo is the One

    Lame egalitarian equity hives won’t be having any first amendment.

    Don’t offend the stupid, thinking is a construct of the white male patriarchy, comrade.

    Forward, si se puede!


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